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Al-Qaeda supports John McCain


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They don't want the old white guy who's gonna blow their asses away if he has to, come on now.

Except that they want perpetual war. That's what they want.

They keep getting smashed, but the fight keeps the recruiting channels open and flowing, even as many groups reject the al Qaeda mindset. Al Qaeda sees the entire US military presence as a temporary impediment in a timeline measured in centuries, not years. They'll happily encourage us to exhaust our resources by projecting ourselves to the other side of the world for decades on end. We can't do that forever; eventually we'll evaporate from their lands and they'll be free to expand their presence again.

That's their theory anyway. And they see the US exhausting itself more quickly under a McCain than under an Obama.

Dude are like ants, or at least like ants that get lots of virgins in Heaven.

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So when this came out, I listen to POTUS 08 on XM (BTW -Addicted to that station).

Anyway -The McCain camp had a conference call. They had some "Al Quida Expert" on it and he said

"Knowing that Americans hate Al Quida, we figure that the truth is they want Obama to win. So therefore they are endorsing McCain in hopes that it drives people to Obama"

so then a reporter said "What about some of the other groups, namely Palestine's groups that have endorsed Obama. Does the same apply that they really want McCain?"

he he answers "Oh no - We believe that THOSE endorsements are true and they know that Obama will help weaken the US. It's THIS endorsement we belive is a way to help Obama".

I couldn't stop laughing....

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