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Vinny on ESPN, and Merrill is Talking Some Serious Smack


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Ron Jaworski started the part off by showing how tough Ramsey was against the Titans during last years game.

Then Merrill chimes in with his .02 and says we have NO chemistry and that we are like WalMart and that we have as many coming in as going out.

Then they cut to Vinny and he pretty much let Merrill have it sand told Merill he was rediciulous because he has not even been to Redskins Park lately and that we have 57 players working out and that they all seem to be developing that chemisty.

Vinny invited Merill to come take a look for himslef and gave him an invite instead of just speaking what he thinks. Jaworski then said he would bring him because he thinks we are set for a good season.

Vinny was great!

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Bascially, Hoge was ripping on us for paying so much for Coles, saying that a WR can't lead your offense, criticized Spurrier a little bit, totally forgot about us greatly improving our Offensive line.

Cerrato than came on, said that the Reskins have a plan, and that Merrill was talking of of his *** (hasn't talked to Cerrato, hasn't followed them other than the Coles signing, etc.) Hoge than questioned the ability of Ramsey to be leader of the offense, Cerrato said Ramsey has been studying hard, showed a lot of promise, last two games were good, and then Cerrato invited Hoge down to Mini-camp, and Hoge accepted. Jaws then interjected saying that he'll bring Hoge down by the Skins camp and will make sure Hoge can see for himself what's going down.

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Vinny also mentioned to Mark Malone that he has been working the phones but it doesnt seem like we will get any more draft picks and that we will stay with our 7th rounder. Vinny said our real draft was a month ago =)

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

The best part I thought was when they went to Jansen and he mentioned how Spurrier is paying more attention to details and how he likes the move of Hue Jackson to OC. The attention to details part though shows Spurrier is learning

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Oh, after that, they went back to Jansen and A. Kramer asked his opinions on the Skins O-Line situation, and questioned their chemistry. Jansen was honest, saying it'll take some time, but also didn't seem to think it was gonna be that difficult to accomplish.

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One other interesting thing that Vinny said was that they had had a plan all along to increase speed, and that their main priority was to bolster the offensive line. He mentioned Dockery as one of the things that's filled that need.

I don't recall the word "defense" coming up at all in the Vinny segment.

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Yeah well Jansen said the chemistry wouldn't be addressed until camp when all the players are there and they start taking reps together. Vinnie was trying to imply we already were working the chemistry issue which would continue into mini-camp. But he did shut up Hoge by telling him since he hadn't been to Skins office or camp he didn't know what the he!! he was talking about.

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Kramer asked Jansen the same question yesterday about O-line chemistry. He responded by saying we've had different interior linemen for the past 4 years, so why should chemistry be any more of a problem than it has been. Especially considering the talent level of our new guards is as good as it's been in many years.

Stupid question.

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Redskins have had an outstanding offseason. The need to nitpick is now present. :rolleyes: vinnie did a great job with Merril. I about spit out my soda when he said that Merril hadn't talked to anybody with the Redskins and that as a result what he was saying was ridiculous. :D


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I've been pulling back on criticism of Merill, because he's got cancer. And it's not nice to criticize someone with cancer. But it was great to see Vinny respond to everything he said.

BTW, if you want to measure how much cred Hoge gives the Skins: last year, when he picked games every week for ESPN, he picked the Redskins to win only four times.

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Originally posted by BD

BTW, if you want to measure how much cred Hoge gives the Skins: last year, when he picked games every week for ESPN, he picked the Redskins to win only four times.

... and the Skins finished 7-9, making Hoge roughly 13-3 in his Skins picks.

I don't like hearing smack against the Skins any more than the next fan, but one lesson I took from last year was that the skeptics were more right than wrong. I recall Hoge slamming the Skins at the last draft for not understanding NFL protection schemes and the need for a strong OL. Sure enough, the OL became the cancer of the team last year.

Similarly, all the skeptics said Spurrier was smoking crack for believing so strongly in his Gator receivers and QBs. Sure enough, with the borderline exception of Wuerffel, they all stank.

So let's not be complete homers. It's true that the Redskins roster and coaching staff has been a complete revolving door during Snyder's tenure. That was Hoge's actual point when he was talking about Snyder picking names out of a hat every year.

I happen to like this year's names from the hat more than in past years, but Hoge is right: at some point the Redskins need to stop changing all the names and act like a team.

The counterpoint is that Snyder, Cerrato and Spurrier all say they've finally got the core they want and the contracts to allow that core to endure for a few years. But that doesn't make Hoge wrong in his observation about the past few years, and it remains to be proven that the Skins are capable of sticking with a core roster.

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Your right about winning...that'll shut up the nay sayers.

As per Hoge...Chemo gives you "Chemo Brain" (That's an actual term used when under treatment). It makes you unable to put strings of thoughts together, remember details, organize thoughts. He may not have been ABLE to remember the rest of our UFA and RFA signings. I wish him all the luck in the world with his treatments. It's truely courageous to go on TV, when under treatment.


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I think we took Jacobs then tried to move back into the 2nd to take Doss. That is a trade i think we would try and make. Since Vinny mentioned we tried to trade but nobody would talk to us cause of the jets situation and everyone hates us cause we're "out of the loop" i guess and Snyder and Spurrier arent the tools the rest of the owners/coaches in the league are. So nobody would trade with us. That would have been SWEEEET if we could have gotten Doss and Jacobs! Again in dont know if thats what they tried to trade for but it makes sense the did really like Doss.

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Janson was frigging hilarious. The last segment he and romanowski were going at it. janson told (no gauranteed :laugh: ) the skins would be in the super bowl waiting for romanowski and the Raiders to show up. :laugh:

Romanowski was trying to question who was going to be a leader on the skins offense.

"Ramsey? He's a second year QB", Romo sits to pee scoffed.

then Janson said "What about me?"

Romo sits to pee: "an offensive lineman trying to be a leader????"

funny stuff.

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Dang I missed that. I know yesterday, Kramer made a joke that they had seperated Jansen and Romo sits to pee, and was keeping them from coming to blows.

OL can't be team leaders, being a Raider I am sure Al Davis would gladly tell him stories of Gene Upshaw, and Art Shell. Not only were they the leaders of the 70's raiders teams but Upshaw leads the NFLPA, and Shell has been a head coach and now works in the NFL front office.

It doesn't matter what position you play, it matters what you do on & off the field. Why do teams always try to sign veteran players to help be leaders in the locker room?


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Don't make a mistake by attributing Hoge's knee-jerk Redskins negativity to his chemo. The best of luck to him on his recovery, but he had it our for the team long before his hair started falling out.

As for Jansen, you can easily see why the team loves the guy. He's understated, articulate and intelligent, and he takes no sh|t off of anyone!

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