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Obama Frustration mounting


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Okay, given yesterday's thread I thought it was fair to do the obvious and it's even true.

As some of you know, I was working on a Vet Health Policy piece recently (about a month ago) and needed to contact both the McCain and Obama Campaigns. Now, McCain was much easier to contact and arrange the conversation with. Obama actually took more calls to arrange and then had to be postponed. Actually both did, but the McCain guy gave more notice. McCain's man actually even gave me a follow-up call to fill in the blanks to some questions he didn't know immediately. Really cool fellow. Obama's guy was on a cell phone and on a train.

Now, the frustration part. My professional email has remained clean and spam free until this interview. Now, I get two Obama blasts a day and they're not interesting info. Their just general boilerplate vote for me and give me money crap. I hate that. I'm also getting commercial fatigue, but what's worse is the threat that my email is now getting a little spam from the campaign, but they will probably sell my name and I'll have to go through thousands of emails just to find the one's I care about.

I have not received a single spam from the McCain people. I appreciate that. Obama is like a Monty Python song! He's friggin' everywhere.

(Yeah, it's not quite yesterday's thread, but it is a legit grouse I've been harboring for a week or three.)

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Okay, given yesterday's thread I thought it was fair to do the obvious and it's even true.

As some of you know, I was working on a Vet Health Policy piece recently (about a month ago) and needed to contact both the McCain and Obama Campaigns. Now, McCain was much easier to contact and arrange the conversation with. Obama actually took more calls to arrange and then had to be postponed. Actually both did, but the McCain guy gave more notice. McCain's man actually even gave me a follow-up call to fill in the blanks to some questions he didn't know immediately. Really cool fellow. Obama's guy was on a cell phone and on a train.

Now, the frustration part. My professional email has remained clean and spam free until this interview. Now, I get two Obama blasts a day and they're not interesting info. Their just general boilerplate vote for me and give me money crap. I hate that. I'm also getting commercial fatigue, but what's worse is the threat that my email is now getting a little spam from the campaign, but they will probably sell my name and I'll have to go through thousands of emails just to find the one's I care about.

I have not received a single spam from the McCain people. I appreciate that. Obama is like a Monty Python song! He's friggin' everywhere.

(Yeah, it's not quite yesterday's thread, but it is a legit grouse I've been harboring for a week or three.)

21st century robo-calling. i get the e-mails since i joined his mailing list, and more than likely you were added to the list since you e-mailed the site. i believe there usually is a link to get rid of the emails.

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Probably, but in some cases a response to spam sites... I'll bet this part is run by a third company. Triggers an alert because now they know you've read one and then you're doomed, doomed, doomed to an avalanche of never ending spam.
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Burgold... Holding out like the LA Times!!! You liberal-in-the-tank whore! :silly:

lol. I've thought about griping about this several times, but thought it was too indulgent. Yesterday's thread was so over the top that I felt compelled to share at least this dissatisfaction.

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I've received a couple e-mails from Obama, not enough to annoy me though. However, the California RNC constantly sends me crap, and I don't even live in Cali. I've clicked on their links and sent them e-mails to take me off their mailing list, but they just don't comply.

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Maybe I reached McCain's people via phone only then, Mike. Although, no, I kind of remember them wanting me to email details and questions about what kind of info I needed.

I do remember getting a hold of Obama was a little tougher. They seemed to have more chiefs. The funniest question I thought was that Obama's people wanted to know which McCain rep I got so they could give me someone of equal stature. I'm sure that the opposite would have been true had I gotten Obama first, but I thought that was funny. It did allow for me to talk to two pretty high ranking muckety mucks though.

I wonder if I'd been dishonest and said that Senator McCain himself agreed to speak if I could have gotten Obama and then reworked it to get McCain? Ah, the pain of having integrity.

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Maybe I reached McCain's people via phone only then, Mike. Although, no, I kind of remember them wanting me to email details and questions about what kind of info I needed.

I do remember getting a hold of Obama was a little tougher. They seemed to have more chiefs. The funniest question I thought was that Obama's people wanted to know which McCain rep I got so they could give me someone of equal stature. I'm sure that the opposite would have been true had I gotten Obama first, but I thought that was funny. It did allow for me to talk to two pretty high ranking muckety mucks though.

I wonder if I'd been dishonest and said that Senator McCain himself agreed to speak if I could have gotten Obama and then reworked it to get McCain? Ah, the pain of having integrity.

how very interesting that is. talk about battle strategy!!

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too much of it...

and the few I've read are empty cheerleading, fundraising drivel. I'm an issues, philosophy driven person. The rah, rah stuff or the other guy's the devil stuff always turns me off.

The latter is what really kicked me off McCain's train and he did it really early on too. (Although, I will admit that McCain had a much harder road to begin with) I remember at the beginning of this cycle really liking both and thinking we might be in good shape with either.

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