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Aol : Woman chains self to home to prevent foreclosure.


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Woman Chains Self to Foreclosed Home


(Oct. 28) - A California woman has taken an extraordinary step in an attempt to prevent a bank from taking her home: She chained herself to the house.

"We are very proud of this home, and we are not going to allow the bank to just take it away from us," June Reyno told television station KFMB in San Diego, Calif. Her family has lived in the Mira Mesa home for 19 years.

Money problems led to the family's current predicament, and Reyno insisted she's tried everything in the book to keep the house. "I'm not going to walk away from this home quietly," she said.

Click through gallery below to read about more foreclosure stories from around the country, and tell us whether you've struggled to keep up with mortgage payments

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Californnia: CHECK

Southern Cali: CHECK CHECK

Welcome to the wonderful of ourportunitty down here!

Ya know what would be funny - ok, maybe it wouldn't really be funny - for the sake of being PC, let's say it would be ironic, poetic justice, or from the Dumb People Files - anyway, if this lady chains herself to the house to prevent foreclosure, and then one of those SoCal wildfires catches her house on fire, and she can't escape :doh:

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