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US Attacked "Civilian Farm" in Syria...


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Holy Crap guys, sorry!!! I wasn't trying to start a flame war, geez. I didn't think it was evidence that what we did was right/wrong; I just saw it as something else was going on there that made the "farm building" sound ridiculous. However, there is a long stretch between that and the proof necessary to go execute someone.

Don't get me wrong, if who we're saying we got was who we got, then, so sad, see ya later. Glad we went in, try picking on a different army next time.

I just saw the wall as being a little ridiculous about trying to pass it off as "technology" used on a farm.

A couple of things, I'm not coming at this with no perspective - I spent over 10 years in a muslim country. I get the wall thing; believe me, I get the wall thing. We had walls everywhere we lived, most of them topped with glass shards and/or razor wire. Here's what struck me about that one and why I think it's so ridiculously funny that they were trying to pass it off as normal activity:

The walls over there are everywhere, but generally when you see them, they're above what any normal person (even for taller American's) would see over for eye level, but not ridiculously tall. Also, they generally wall of the living quarter's and maybe a courtyard. Now, I'll give you that for the extremely rich, they WILL often wall off an entire compound with a giganormous wall (in a way that we just generally don't see in the States). However, these estates are typically, just that - estates with pools, tennis courts (ALWAYS a tennis court for some reason), 50 car garages, etc.

This wall; however, is huge, if you look at it, it has a berm at the bottom making it even larger. It also ropes off an extremely large area - large enough to conduct drills in if you look at the pics and want to build conspiracy theories. In fact, it's very much a barracks sorta setup. All it's protecting is one small little building that appears to be separated into tiny little rooms. This is far away from being a rich person estate. If this was a "rich farmer" (I realize they exist, but also realize that in a 3rd world country that would read as "rich landowner with 250 people that work his 'farm' for him) one would assume that to be a beautiful estate and not a tiny little building. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but no "rich person" is going to be directly involved in agriculture labor in the Middle East? They may own the enterprise, but they sure as heck aren't going to be on that farm. Manual labor is for the serfs.

Other than that, it just knocks out a TON of otherwise great farming land. Now, if this area's purported purpose was for farming purposes....why build a massive wall around it that seemingly allows you only one point of entry and is going to prevent the sun from hitting a great portion of that land? Pretty much all "farming purposes" need the sun - including grazing cows.

I really didn't mean for this to get taken all that seriously but I can see that it has...

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And Baculus. When we do identify bin Laden across the border in Pakistan. Let's be sure we don't cross the border to kill him. We wouldn't want to upset anyone do we?

It's been reall fun watching you guys lead with your chin but I have to go now. G'night! :D

I think OBL would be a completely different topic if he was within "our sights," wouldn't you agree? Perhaps that seems to be a contrary position to my previous statements, but spending a little political credit would be worth striking at the #1 target on our Most Wanted list if we truly knew where and when to strike.

In all essence, considering our relationship with Pakistan, it would be a different situation. I have never advocated against striking at terrorists, but more so, a deliberate anti-terrorist effort whose resources aren't diverted by an invasion on the scale of the Iraqi conflict. In relation to this concept, I have always put forth as examples the anti-terrorist efforts of the Europeans to fight terrorism during the 70's and 80's.

But, again, it would have to be a deliberate strategy, especially since we're already operating with Pakistan in anti Al-Qaida and Taliban efforts which, hopefully, would ensnare Osama bin Laden.

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