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Could McCain lose his home state?

Cooked Crack

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I doubt it and I would hate for him to lose Arizona. Senator McCain is an honorable man and doesn't deserve to be embarassed. I just believe he is not the right man at this time.

Well, I do remember that Gore lost his home state too and everyone talked about that but since he was from a red state, I didn't see what the big deal was. However, if McCain loses his state, I don't think it will be as bad as it looks. It just would show a growing trend in that part of the country. I still think he might pull AZ out, though.

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A number of them, actually... things like relying on negative campaigning, divisiveness, misrepresentation, promoting ignorance of the electorate, pandering, lacking clear plans, lowering quality of public discourse, demonizing opponents and the media, putting politics ahead of country, etc.

well said.

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