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What's the best mode for job searching ?


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For the first time in about 6 years, I'm in the job search, so I'm a little out of touch with the process these days. Gone are the days where employers put a sign in the window, or even advertise in the paper. A lot of them just advertise on their own company site. So, how do I find out about these companies that have openings on thier own site, if I don't already know the names of the companies ? Are online job searchers the best way to go, like "CareerBuilder", or is there a better way ?

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Careerbuilder and Monster are good ones.

The problem I've found is that employers want an applicant to email a resume these days without seeing you face to face. You cease to be a human being and become an attachment in an email which I believe makes the job hunt more difficult. It is harder to stand out from the crowd when employers go this route.

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Can you offer to work as an unpaid intern at a firm of your choice? They rarely turn down free labor. And if they like you, it'll usually end up as a job offer.

Likewise, I know working as a temp is demeaning and sucks. But many of those jobs turn into paid positions, if you are experienced and confident.

Bosses are conservative people. If they can personally experience your skills .and attitude, they'll take you over a resume applicant

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