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Had a CRAZY dream last night...


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Now, please, DO NOT SHOOT me, it was just a dream!!!

Anyway, here is how it went down...

I woke up, went along with my normal routine in the morning getting ready for work, I got done with everything and noticed I had some more time before I needed to leave... So, I flipped on the good ole ESPN...

They were talking about the baseball playoffs and all, then they finished with that and went on to the NFL...

Headline topic, was the Redskins/Eagles.

Last night, right around midnight, the two teams reached an agreement to trade: Sellers, Cartwright, Betts, and Suisham for Brian Westbrook, David Akers, and Desean Jackson

I startered yelling at the tv and was ready to burn my skins gears! I started making phone calls (at 5:15am), kirking out on peoples voice mails and getting more mad none of them were answering...

The wife comes down stairs and asks what the hell is going on... I tell her, she looks at me, tells me to take it outside, and walks back upstairs...

Then I woke up.....

Anywho, had to get that off my chest... I think if that trade did ever happen, I would wait at Redskins Park for Danny and Vinny, and needless to say, it would NOT be pretty!!!!!!! LOL

Though I wouldn't mind having Westbrook, though he is starting to get beat up more and more, and Jackson would be nice to return punts for us...I wouldn't give up what we did in my dream for them two...

Anyone else ever had some crazy dream like that?

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My problem is, I keep WAKING UP every night between 3 AM and 4:30 AM. I am so juiced, I can't unjuice myself enough to get a decent night's sleep. This has happened every night the past two weeks and is definitely not normal for me. I need help. :(

I know what you mean. My sleeping habits have gotten so screwed up to the point where I cant go to bed until noon. I end up waking up around 7pm and the day is over. Its depressing.

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My problem is, I keep WAKING UP every night between 3 AM and 4:30 AM. I am so juiced, I can't unjuice myself enough to get a decent night's sleep. This has happened every night the past two weeks and is definitely not normal for me. I need help. :(

I know what you mean.

I can't fall asleep til at least 1am, I wake up at 4am and can go only back to sleep until exactly 7:29am - I've woken up at that same time without an alarm the past 3 days.

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Looking at stats on all these fellas that were involved, I would only be pissed about Sellers and Suisham being gone..

Hear me out, I like Betts and Cartwright, but I would take Westbrook and future star Jackson over them 2 any day of the week.

So I instead of beating on Danny and Vinny for the trade, I'd probably kick um in the shin, and then smile and ask if they would please lower consession prices :laugh:

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Man, even for a dream that's a ridiculously lop-sided trade. B. West, Akers and Jackson, for Betts, Rock, Sellers, and Swisher Sweet? That's not even fair. Like if someone made a trade like this in my fantasy league, I would try to veto it. I would feel the worst about losing Sellers, everyone else I wouldn't mind a ton ... maybe Rock too.

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