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Cards D played dirty.

SD Skins fan

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SD, it's called trying to win the game. It's not jumprope they're playing out there. It's a contact sport and one where being exceptionally physical CAN give one side a serious advantage over the other. So long as the officials aren't throwing flags, doing as much as possible to get into the other player's head by being as physical as possible is not dirty, it's good sense.

Well, there's a difference between being physical and being dirty. They tried to be dirty and all it did was fire up the offense at a time when we were playing a little soft. So, what ever it was they were hoping to do by playing dirty failed big time.

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Well, there's a difference between being physical and being dirty. They tried to be dirty and all it did was fire up the offense at a time when we were playing a little soft. So, what ever it was they were hoping to do by playing dirty failed big time.

As a coach at the high school I attended used to say.... "It's only a penalty if they see it and throw the flag." Call it "dirty" all you want. If the Redskins wanted to complain about it they had more than enough chances to take a whack at Edge or Fitz six to eight yards downfield.

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That's why heyer hit #90 (don't know who that is) on that bull **** pf call. If the refs are letting the players get away with some dirty playing, you have to let hits like that go. It's football, it's emotional.

On the bright side, the skins won, noone was hurt and Campbell played beautifully. :thumbsup:

That warranted a personal foul most definitely. The guy wasn't even looking and Heyer laid him out. The guy wasn't even going to attempt to get back in the play. It was a stupid cheap shot that costed us a touchdown. Just because the other team has a few borderline dirty plays you need to prove you are better than them and not stoop to their level. Or at least not make it so blatant.

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The Cardinals are playing tough, but are a little over the top. You can see with Warner going crazy on the sidelines that they really wanted this game and as Boldin said expected to win. Punch the Skins in the mouth and they fold. Didn't happen, sorry guys, you're still the Cardinals at the end of the day.

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For what its worth (and I know people on this board hate to hear old high school football stories), Darnell Dockett has been a dirty player since his high school days at Paint Branch. There was never any question regarding his talent. For whatever reason, the guy just tries to injure opposing players, almost as a sort of little side game that he can't resist. It has nothing to do with him being tough or aggressive. There's been accusations surrounding him throughout his time at FSU, and into the NFL.

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