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Anti-War Protest


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Originally posted by fansince62

anyone catch Pelosi yesterday? She is still voicing her protetsts over the war, claiming that "it was an awfully expensive method for bringing down some statues"....too bad she's from California. This person should never, ever, ever, be trusted with the security of the United States of America. She should be removed from her post as minority leader.....but....she's from San Fran and will survive........

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If I recall the reason we are in a recession right now is because of all the freespending companies under the Clinton presidency during the big internet boom. The reason we are in a recession is everyone wanted to create their own company on the internet. The banks would give you the money REGARDLESS of an acceptible business plan to back your so called get rich scheme. The Clinton adminstration DID not try to slow the process of these technology companies for buying everyone up with just STOCK, not real assets just paper. Now we are trying to recover from this. If you look at all the other nations around everyone is suffering not just the US.

Kids right at of school getting paid $50K to just sit on thier asses play foseball all dam day and have 10 people do the same job. This is why we are at where we are today. What ever happened to working hard, getting what you deserve? Not begging for millions in shares and your own certain schedule. This is why the economy sucks today. The fact as the economy was getting better we had 9-11 which basically made us start from scratch all over again.

I don't know if Bush's plan for the economy will help or not, no one does. When you are talking about national budgets and recessions and recoverys, it is all a hit or miss chance. No one has a clue what would help it. This extra $300 dollars we get back now does help. I am sick of paying almost 35% of my money too taxes. Yes these protests do cost money, and no the government isn't paying for all of it my friend, you are too.

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Originally posted by jbooma

If I recall the reason we are in a recession right now is because of all the freespending companies under the Clinton presidency during the big internet boom. The reason we are in a recession is everyone wanted to create their own company on the internet. The banks would give you the money REGARDLESS of an acceptible business plan to back your so called get rich scheme. The Clinton adminstration DID not try to slow the process of these technology companies for buying everyone up with just STOCK, not real assets just paper. Now we are trying to recover from this. If you look at all the other nations around everyone is suffering not just the US.

Kids right at of school getting paid $50K to just sit on thier asses play foseball all dam day and have 10 people do the same job. This is why we are at where we are today. What ever happened to working hard, getting what you deserve? Not begging for millions in shares and your own certain schedule. This is why the economy sucks today. The fact as the economy was getting better we had 9-11 which basically made us start from scratch all over again.

I don't know if Bush's plan for the economy will help or not, no one does. When you are talking about national budgets and recessions and recoverys, it is all a hit or miss chance. No one has a clue what would help it. This extra $300 dollars we get back now does help. I am sick of paying almost 35% of my money too taxes. Yes these protests do cost money, and no the government isn't paying for all of it my friend, you are too.

Yes Moe everything bad is the fault of Bill CLinton!

It guess is makes all issues real easy for you to understand! BTW: If you're only play 35% in taxes you're doing good in the tax department.

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"Yes Moe everything bad is the fault of Bill CLinton!

It guess is makes all issues real easy for you to understand! BTW: If you're only play 35% in taxes you're doing good in the tax department"

First off who is Moe? Second, I don't blame everything on Clinton, but the Internet Boom was a major part of the problem we are in now, (you can ask any economy major or somone that knows a little more about money than you). Watch what you type, "if you're only play 35" I don't play when it comes to money and 35% is quite a bit in taxes. How much do you pay or do you not claim so you don't have too??

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Originally posted by Larry Brown #43

What does growing up rich have to do with anything? Liberals like you think that being rich or poor is somehow branded into your skin and it can never be altered. That's B.S. I don't consider myself rich and I CERTAINLY didn't grow up rich. But I believe in myself and my ability to get ahead. I WILL get ahead because I make it happen, not because America's wealth has been redistributed in my favor.

My point was that many rich people aren't self-made hard working people, and, as such, they already have plenty in life. Decreasing tax rates on the "unearned" rich is unwarranted, as their efforts haven't benefited society and their spending decisions cannot be relied upon to fill the gap caused by reduced social spending.

Moreover, if you do get ahead, it will be because your society has enabled and helped you to get there, through the hard work, life energy, cooperation, spending, investment, advice, education, protection and nurturing of others. It is simply impossible to get rich in a bubble, and therefore I believe wealthy people have a moral duty to give back to society, and if they're not giving on their own accord (e.g. tax breaks for charity) , they should be taxed so that society can share in the wealth that society in a large way helped create.

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