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Who Remembers?

Sammy Baugh

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I was actually at the game against S.F. that made us 0-5. I remember the mood in RFK as not being very pleasant that day. As a 11 year old, I think I learned most of the four letter words I now use so fondly listening to the fans yell at Gibbs and the Skins

I was a little older than 11 and already using the words you were just learning. I went through the same emotions. That is why I have been kind of quiet during the first year at least, when Dan the man brings a new coach in. However, I kind of thought Gibbs was going to be the one again but I soon saw he wasn't going to be able to do it with the players he had. At this point, it is too early for me not "to believe".:):)

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I was actually at the game against S.F. that made us 0-5. I remember the mood in RFK as not being very pleasant that day. As a 11 year old, I think I learned most of the four letter words I now use so fondly listening to the fans yell at Gibbs and the Skins

I was there as well. There were lots of people calling for Gibbs' head. The circumstances were a little different however. Gibbs, fresh from Air Coryell, entered with guns slinging throwing the ball all over the place. If I recall correctly we averaged more than 40 passes a game those first 5 games and were turning the ball over like nobody's business. He reined in the passing attack and decided to ride John Riggins, Joe Washington and Wilbur Jackson and things got better in a hurry. He adapted his offense to fit his personnel and it worked. Hopefully Zorn has the same adaptability.

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I was there as well. There were lots of people calling for Gibbs' head. The circumstances were a little different however. Gibbs, fresh from Air Coryell, entered with guns slinging throwing the ball all over the place. If I recall correctly we averaged more than 40 passes a game those first 5 games and were turning the ball over like nobody's business. He reined in the passing attack and decided to ride John Riggins, Joe Washington and Wilbur Jackson and things got better in a hurry. He adapted his offense to fit his personnel and it worked. Hopefully Zorn has the same adaptability.

Let's not forget Terry Metcalf. I think he fumbled a couple a way that day...o

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Oh yes..how well do I remember. Was ticked off...but what could you do? You didn't have the type of coverage afforded to fans then that we have now..so we(folks outside of DC)didn't know what the heck was going on half the time. The only time you got Skins news was during the local news coverage back then. We could only watch the games on Sundays..back in those days I think CBS carried the games around here(could be wrong tho it may have been NBC). We didn't hear anything prior to the games on Sunday...the only way you knew who was playing was to watch the game. Sometimes I think we're allowed too much access. But I love it..am glad we have it...but it can be frustrating at times. I've always had patience...not in the moment..but in the big picture way..

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I was there as well. There were lots of people calling for Gibbs' head. The circumstances were a little different however. Gibbs, fresh from Air Coryell, entered with guns slinging throwing the ball all over the place. If I recall correctly we averaged more than 40 passes a game those first 5 games and were turning the ball over like nobody's business. He reined in the passing attack and decided to ride John Riggins, Joe Washington and Wilbur Jackson and things got better in a hurry. He adapted his offense to fit his personnel and it worked. Hopefully Zorn has the same adaptability.

That is exactly what I think Zorn will do. I also think Zorn will be a little quicker in getting the poor performers out of there, including the QB. Zorn seems like he will be loyal to a point and in a different sort of way.

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It was actually a lot easier back then. No ES, no NFL network showing stuff over and over. Basically, it was over after the Monday night news with George Michael. These days everyone throws in their opinions, most of which are BS. Everything goes in cycles, and our turn will come again. Actually, the begining Norv years were easier because I knew we were going to suck because we had no good players. It hurts more to see mediocrity when, if we play well, we are actually decent. Is it really too much to ask players to not sleepwalk trhrough games and seasons?

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Let's not forget Terry Metcalf. I think he fumbled a couple a way that day...o

Yeah, I don't remember the numbers but we had an amazing number of turnovers the first 5 weeks. I should also add in the interest of full disclosure that I wasn't vociferously defending Gibbs at the time.

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I was actually at the game against S.F. that made us 0-5. I remember the mood in RFK as not being very pleasant that day. As a 11 year old, I think I learned most of the four letter words I now use so fondly listening to the fans yell at Gibbs and the Skins

What a coincidence. Not only was I at that game too.....but at seven years old, it was the first Skins game I'd ever been to. I remember the score, 35-14 San Fran, and I remember the two redskins scores that day: Neil Olcewicz "streaking" down the sideline, and Joe Washington with the sweep. I seem to remember the crowd being more relaxed than current days, but then again, perceptions at the age of seven aren't exactly spot on.

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And then, after those bad weeks, we all I believe, came to expect the Skins to win. You just couldn't wait for the next game, going to RFK or crowding around the TV. You just had that feeling that the Skins were going to win. Not like it is now where you feel it isn't even a 50/50 chance they will win. You just go and hope or even leave the TV and check later to see if maybe they might be winning.

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And then, after those bad weeks, we all I believe, came to expect the Skins to win. You just couldn't wait for the next game, going to RFK or crowding around the TV. You just had that feeling that the Skins were going to win. Not like it is now where you feel it isn't even a 50/50 chance they will win. You just go and hope or even leave the TV and check later to see if maybe they might be winning.

This is the truest and saddest post I have read in a very long time.


Being a Redskins fan is very difficult these days.

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The feeling wasn't nearly as bad as the record showed, sure it sucked being winless. Reason being, at 0-5 we had one of the best offenses in football, if not the best. We lead the league in about every catagory of stats including touch downs. Go check the stats, you would be amazed.

Gibbs had a wide open offense and we could move the ball, the problem was we couldnt controll the clock, and therefore couldnt controll the game. Thats when Gibbs redesigned the play book around his players, and especialy His running backs. It immediately worked and we finished the season 8-8.

John Riggins sat out that year, and in the offseason Gibbs went to his house and got him to resign. In 82 we were an awesome ball controll team, get the running game going, then light them up with play action, flee-flickers and everything fell right into place. Joe Gibbs never changed his stradegy, his team always controlled the clock, and thats why he's the only coach in the NFL to win 3 Super Bowls with 3 different QB's.

If we would get our running game going this season, start controlling the clock again, JC would be a much better QB, and everything else would open up for play action and gadget plays. I watched many of high scoring, wide open teams make it to the SuperBowl, but not one of them could win it with out a good running game, and with out controlling the clock.

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And then, after those bad weeks, we all I believe, came to expect the Skins to win. You just couldn't wait for the next game, going to RFK or crowding around the TV. You just had that feeling that the Skins were going to win. Not like it is now where you feel it isn't even a 50/50 chance they will win. You just go and hope or even leave the TV and check later to see if maybe they might be winning.
Isn't that the truth, we were so confident in our team them days. We just knew we could beat anyone who came our way. :cheers:
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I was wondering who remembers what the feel was, both fans and media, when the new coach Joe Gibbs lost his first five games? Did the fans give up on the skins then? :cheers:

I can't really remember. I just knew Gibbs was going to be better than if we had kept Pardee, so those 5 games were just a matter of waiting. The one thing I do remember well at that time was when we beat the Eagles in Philly on oppening day the next year. I was getting sick of losing there the previous 4 years straight.

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I remember the 1991 team the best.

I was in 8th grade and they crushed people that year!

But to your thread, I think fans nowadays are much more impatient due to the media/fan pressure to win. Tons more money wrapped into this sport, too, so with that you have different situations that tend to change the game.

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