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Vinny: Call the Jags.


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I know, I know, we have a bunch of threads about DEs already. But this one is to discuss a specific plan, with pre-identified targets. I felt it was enough of a separate thought to be, well, a separate thread - if the mods disagree, they can smite it like a damn dirty heathen.

Anyway, all this Jason Taylor talk is causing some very high-level picks to be discussed as trade bait. This causes me to do much wailing and gnashing of teeth. First-, second-, even third-round picks are extremely valuable commodities that, if used right, can be turned into cheap Pro Bowlers on rookie contracts, and the occasional lifelong Redskin. Jason Taylor won't be around more than a couple years, and, unless a miracle happens, he won't be here to make an impact by the time our offense is Super Bowl-caliber (if Zorny and Campbell pan out, of course). It's a bad investment that will yield returns at the wrong time, and it might cost us a player who could be a starter for a decade.

Another, potentially much cheaper, option is to get on the horn with our old friend, everybody's favorite double-G'd coordinator, Gregg Williams. He's in Jacksonville now. The Jags, if you remember draft day well, invested two first-round picks in brand spanking new defensive ends, Derrick Harvey and Quentin Groves. These are guys that will not be sitting on the bench for long. Currently in front of them on the depth chart are two upstanding gentlemen named Reggie Hayward and Paul Spicer. Most of you have probably heard of Hayward; hardly any of you, I would bet, have heard of Spicer. But Spicer is actually more interesting to me, because he's notched 7.5 sacks two out of the past three years, and is currently listed at 295 pounds - just the kind of big boy on the outside we need to fill Daniels' run-stuffing role. Spicer is also 32 right now, which means he's only got a few years left, and the Jags will be interested in getting any sort of youth (in the form of draft picks) for him. We don't need to worry much about his age - we only care about this, and perhaps next, season, before a more permanent replacement is found.

So, there you have it. Jacksonville has four "starting" defensive ends, and will rapidly be replacing the two older ones with the two newer ones. We could probably snag one of the older ones - whichever one they feel like parting with - for something like a fifth-rounder that could turn into a fourth-rounder if certain conditions are met. Either one of them will provide a bit more of a pass rush than Daniels did, while still anchoring the strong side well. Both can also move inside on passing downs, much like Daniels. And, judging by Jacksonville's roster moves, they'll cost much, much less than Jason Taylor will.

Don't lease a Ferrari when a Toyota will do, Vinny. Call Jacksonville, not Miami.

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