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ESPN: Once upon a time, goofiness reigned in training camps


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The Redskins report Saturday and open practice Sunday, kicking off 2008's training camps. Many stories will unfold, though few might rival these classic Cowboys' tales

Once upon a time, goofiness reigned in training camps

More ESPN Cowboy Love Fest

So the Redskins opening training camp is the latest excuse to shove more Poke coverage down our throats

anyone else might think there were 31 other teams in the NFL, even some around before 1960... that maybe had some zany camp stories to tell

but not ESPN.... thank goodness :rolleyes:

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By far the best:

On his first day as the Cowboys' receivers coach, the meticulous Raymond Berry demonstrated how to run a sideline route to rookies. Berry made his usual precise numbers of steps, cut toward the sideline and landed -- 1 foot out of bounds.

"The field is too narrow, Tom," he announced to Coach Landry.

"No, Raymond," Landry said, "we've been out here forever."

This was the sixth year the Cowboys had practiced on the same field without complaint, yet Berry instinctively found it out of line. "Either the hashmarks aren't right or the field is too narrow," the former Baltimore Colts star receiver insisted.

Landry shrugged, called for a tape measure, and field dimensions were plotted to the exact inch.

Berry's sense of precision was validated. The field was 11 inches too narrow.

Pretty impressive. Of course, a Dallas receivers coach has never again been so precise!
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