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war heroes


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I have an incredible respect for the idea of volunteering. With that in mind, I think that anyone who has volunteered to put himself or herself in harm's way for the benefit of the greater society is a hero. I look at all the Americans who volunteered post 9/11 to serve our nation. They served knowing that they would be likely put in harm's way, that they could be hurt or killed and most didn't do it for the pay or the college tuition. They joined because there was a call to arms, a call to serve and they felt the need to protect someone and something they love.

Now, the term hero is both underutilized and overutilized. Sports figures are considered heroes. Movie stars are considered heroes. But those who serve: the doctors, nurses, soldiers, sailors, marines, coastguard, medics, clergy, and yes, even the reporters who go unarmed into hostile territory to deliver reports to all of us are undersung. I've met so many who have served this nation that deny that they are heroes. They are just doing a job. That's what they've told me and maybe that's the way they need to think, but I know better.

Those of you who volunteer daily to put their lives on the line because they believe in America and are willing to risk themselves for us.

There are so many heroes that do not get acknowledged. For some reason, this is on my mind today and so I simply say to all of you who served...


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Well said. I don't get the sports figures and movies stars being considered heroes and I scoff at it each time I hear it.

It's probably on your mind because it is the true heroes in this country, that think more of the general good and just doing a job, than they do of themselves. And those are the types of folks that have made this country what it is and has been. The land where people come from all walks of life looking for a future and freedoms.

And I offer up my thanks to all of those that do put their lives on the line every day. I know, because I work alongside so many, that it really is a thankless job. While I'm not in the military and am more involved in Federal Law Enforcement, there are many that have served in that realm and continue to put their lives on the line every day.

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joining the military doesn't make you a hero

our society is huge and complex, every role is important, from movie star to doctor to soldier, we all must find our role and serve it to the best of our abilities. :2cents:

and I don't think that makes anyone a hero, just an upstanding citizen

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My son has Downs Syndrome and he goes to a school dedicated to helping people with disabilities. To me the people that work with him, some of them volunteers, are heroes. Even the ones that are paid are not paid much and give him and the people that go there lots of love and help. They are great and special people.

Anyone who joins the military, especially during a time of war is a hero to me. Anyone who voluntarily puts their life at risk to keep others safe and free is a hero. They are making a big sacrifice to serve. There are lots of heroes in this country, to be sure, but these men & women are TRUE heroes.

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I am a Military Brat and many times I took for granted what those in Miltary do for our country. It was just something I grew up around not a big deal.

Now though having some distance from those days, with the current world climate, and my nephew getting ready to go to Afghanistan in less than a week...those who have served and continue to serve in the Miltary...you are my heroes and I thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.

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My son Richard is a hero, at the age of 19 he joined the 82nd airborne division here at Ft. Bragg, N.C. This past Jan. he lost his right leg outside of Bagdad. I was so angry that he got hurt, he was due home that March. Richard simply told me "Dad i knew the risk going in and thank god I am alive"

He is proud of this country and everything it stands for. What a true hero my son is.


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My son Richard is a hero, at the age of 19 he joined the 82nd airborne division here at Ft. Bragg, N.C. This past Jan. he lost his right leg outside of Bagdad. I was so angry that he got hurt, he was due home that March. Richard simply told me "Dad i knew the risk going in and thank god I am alive"

He is proud of this country and everything it stands for. What a true hero my son is.


My best to you and your son,I know it is tough for a parent to let them knowingly put themselves in harms way.

Glad he's back,and yes,thank God he is alive. :cheers:

too many don't


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My son Richard is a hero, at the age of 19 he joined the 82nd airborne division here at Ft. Bragg, N.C. This past Jan. he lost his right leg outside of Bagdad. I was so angry that he got hurt, he was due home that March. Richard simply told me "Dad i knew the risk going in and thank god I am alive"

He is proud of this country and everything it stands for. What a true hero my son is.


You know, when I was in and after 9/11, people would come up to me and say "Thanks".

I never really understood it, I was only doing what I had done all my life. It was my job and my profession.

But now that I'm retired, I understand that that is all a lot of people can give, since a large majority of the population has no association with the military.

God bless your son and you and your family. Thank you all for what you've done for the country

I hope his recovery goes well

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My son Richard is a hero, at the age of 19 he joined the 82nd airborne division here at Ft. Bragg, N.C. This past Jan. he lost his right leg outside of Bagdad. I was so angry that he got hurt, he was due home that March. Richard simply told me "Dad i knew the risk going in and thank god I am alive"

He is proud of this country and everything it stands for. What a true hero my son is.


I volunteer with a group that has supplied the CASF at Andrews, Walter Reed and Bethesda Naval and I have some men like your son. They are astounding to me. That they are so composed, mature, and together at such a young age always impresses me. I'm not sure how I would deal with the loss of the limb or just saying some of what they have seen.

Thanks to your son and my sympathies to you. I know the families go through an awful lot too and don't always get the support they need.

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My son has Downs Syndrome and he goes to a school dedicated to helping people with disabilities. To me the people that work with him, some of them volunteers, are heroes. Even the ones that are paid are not paid much and give him and the people that go there lots of love and help. They are great and special people.

I debated about including teachers, but since I titled this thread War Heroes decided against it. Nontheless, as a former Special Ed. teacher I thank you for that acknowledgement and I agree that those who teach and especially work and volunteer with children who have disabilities almost never get their due.

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I am a member of an Army Reserve unit in Omaha Nebraska. I and several members of my unit and other units in my battalion and a few other local units are helping with access control at the Olympic swim trials. Yesterday the people running the event set up a "Thank You" ceremony for us. Before things got going they had us walk up along the the sides of the pool. I must say I was unprepared for what transpired. Nearly 13,000 people where on their feet clapping, chearing, and yelling. If you get an opportunity to thank a military member, especially a young one, please do so. Understand it does mean a lot. To those of you who have expressed thanks here know it is very appriciated.

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