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I have a Mole Problem.


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I have a 70' x 30' garden. I tilled it and made some beautiful rows, built up about a foot. I really went all out on the construction. The soil is amazing and I have happy plants. I have a fence around it that keeps the deer out and the cats handle most of the other little critters.

But these damn moles are building a little highway under the garden. I know about chewing gum, but that is fairly cruel to do. Is there another way I can get rid of them? A way to just make them stay out? If I kill all the moles there now, more will just come back.

What the heck should I do?:(

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From another website:

If your problem is with mole tunnels, then yes - eliminate their food source. They love grubs, but also eat worms and other bugs. Bacillus popilliae which is often sold as "Milky Spore" can kill Japanese beetle grubs and some other grubs. You have to be selective about where you get it, since a lot of the Milky Spore that sits on shelves for a while, or is allowed to sit in heat, is not "bioactive" an more. If you are going to buy it, order it directly from the supplier, who will ship it in a special container.

Other possibilities:

* Some of the sonic and wind devices will work if you don't have a yard that is too large, and the moles have food sources elsewhere. These can be a nuisance in themselves. Between mole tunnels and having little windmills all over my yard, I say "Thanks, but I think I'll just keep the moles."

* Import some skunks, which will eat the grubs. It works, but probably rates as a classic case of "the cure is worse than the disease." (Keep in mind that this also works in reverse. Your moles eat the food that attracts skunks.)

* Get a dog or cat that likes to dig up moles. Like the skunks, this works in its own fashion. (Mole-chasing cats do leave smaller holes in the yard than dogs.)

* Do nothing. If your yard is just a food source, the moles will exhaust the supply and move elsewhere. In many cases, people buy Milky Spore off-the-shelf and it is inactive. However, they spread it and wait a year, and Lo and Behold! The moles go away! It worked! Except that it didn't really work. The moles just ate the grubs and moved elsewhere.

Hope this helps.

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From another website:

Hope this helps.

It does, I'll look into that.
Get a Jack Russell Terrier. You'll have more holes, but no moles.
Won't last long with my Akita around.

And what the hell does chewing gum do?

They love it. They can't help but to eat the gum, despite it blowing up in their stomachs and intestines.

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One way to keep them out that is mole friendly is to bury expanded steel sheeting vertically around your garden making a wall about 18" deep. Think of it like an underground fence.

You can buy it at your local home improvement store in the building materials section. It looks like this expanded-metal-stainless-steel-5.jpg

and can be bought in either rolls or 4'x8' sheets. It's stainless so you can bury it and it won't rust in a few years.

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