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Contemplating taking all of my XBox 360 Stuff to trade in for PS3...your thoughts...


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Hey Guys,

So I could be alot happier with my XBox but it just doesnt seem to function anywhere near as well as my old playstation 2.

Infact, the only reasons I got it was because of Halo and a bunch of my other friends had it.

Im not sure if anyone else runs into this with there systems but ive had my system for maybe 9 months now, but with the XBox it will randomly quit games with about an hours gameplay and say that the disc cannot be read. Infact, I can actually predict when it will happen, say if im playing madden and I get a phone call or I need to pause the game to go do something...for even say 5 minutes. If I come back, it will sound like my XBox is on a respirator and 15-20 seconds it will run until screen freezes for a little and "Disc is unreadable" message comes up.

The Controls on Madden for the XBox 360 might I add are HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, in comparison to what the playstation has. Now if you have been a long time Madden fan like I have and have had time to play with both XBox and Playstation controls, hopefully you can understand me. The reaction time when you press a button on the XBox compared to the reaction time on the playstation was like night and day.

Puttin aside Madden Gameplay, I bought the online subscription for 70 bucks or whatever it was (****). As opposed to the playstation online gaming is free... I was really UNSATISFIED with XBox Online play. I bought this wireless XBox Adapter for wireless networks and for whatever reason it just stopped working, I call XBox and they give me some bull**** reason why it cant be replaced because the stickers half scratched or something like that. So I had to go out and buy another one for a $100. (200 total). Now with my "New" XBox wireless Adaptor when I load up ANY GAME, immediatly after I select my profile it will not connect. So I actually let it wait for it to connect itself. And dont bother giving me advice on troubleshooting the connection I could teach classes on it at this point...

I have been super unsatisfied and I think it was my mistake switching away from the Playstation in general. STICK WITH THE JAPANESE! I am so tempted to trade it right now and I think I actually might go through with it.

Let me know on your thoughts please!!

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I have both systems and prefer my 360, minus MGS4 and MLB 08.

I would say if you're having these problems you should try to get Microsoft to fix the system for you.

However, you can be happy with either system and if you don't put much stock in online multiplayer then getting a PS3 is a good choice if you have always enjoyed Sony's systems in the past. XBOX Live is where I think the PS3 gets destroyed - we'll see what happens with PSN in the future but the inability to access friends and what not while in game is terrible.

I'd give it serious thought though since there's no way you'll get equal value for your system.

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i sold my 360 and got the mgs4 bundle the day it came out. it was worth every single penny. i couldnt be happier with this thing. with the arrival of mgs4, the ps3 is starting to gain alot more momentum, and alot more games are coming out for it as well. not to mention the blu ray, now is the best time to switch over. join me in the darkside, and you will have powers beyond your wildest dreams:evil:

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I think the Ps3 is ultimately going to be the more successful system of the two with better killer apps. Wii is going to be the most successful but it targets a different audience so its hard to put it in the discussion. For the record I own none of the next gen systems and feel no allegiance to any. So, my unbiased opinion is that the trade will probably be wise in the long run although you may initially not see the advantage as all the best Ps3 games are still a few months away.

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I have both systems as well, but I have to be honest I grew up playing Playstation. Went ahead and got the 360 before the PS3 was realeased and at the time really enjoyed the 360.

But, I played the PS3 at my buddies house one day, and I knew that I needed to go back to it. Went ahead and got one and couldn't he happier. I still play Madden on Xbox, but everything else I now play on PS3

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What would be the price difference I would have to pay if I traded in my preium xbox 360 without and hdmi with an xbox 360 with an hdmi slot?

I wouldn't trade it in. Sell it on eBay and just be honest about the condition of the unit - I'd almost bet you get a lot more for it unless there are some really big problems with it.

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