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Hit-and-run victim left helpless in the street

Special K

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Alright, i just watched this video and it brought back memories from when i was hit by a car. Probably about 6 or 7 years ago i was hit by a car in my neighborhood crossing the street on my way to school. In my case people did stop immediately, including the driver, and numerous people called 911.

Saying that, I can say for sure i would have rushed to the aid of the victim and called 911. One gentlemen states that he didnt have his phone on him, well the run the **** in to the store and use theres dumbass. Some people these days just confuse the hell out of me. How people can sit there and only look out for their own well being and not give two ****s about anyone else is beyond me.

For those of you blaming the pedestrian in this accident, he is partially at fault, but as a driver you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you cant see a guy walking in the street when you go to overtake a car you need to either have your eyes checked or license revoked.

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For people saying not to touch the guy because of medical liability, or risk of disease transmission, that's all fine and good....but you can still help the guy without touching him. I'm shocked that people didn't gather around him and at least ask him if he's OK, and shield him from further oncoming traffic. Just letting him know he's not alone and that help is on its way might have done him a lot of good. (obviously after you've called 911)

The few times I've had to call 911 in my life, I didn't call 911 and drive away. I stuck around to make sure things were reasonably under control until the authorities arrived.

As for the jaywalking thing...come on. Who hasn't jaywalked before? Besides, he might have been senile, retarded, or any number of things. When someone's lying on the ground on the verge of death, it's no time to judge him for jaywalking. Since he might have been in the wrong I guess the thing to do would be to just let him lay there and rot. :rolleyes: Some people are just amazing.

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