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Where is the Iraqi propoganda


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Maybe I just have not been paying close enough attention, but it seems to me the Iraqi government is conspicuously silent. In Gulf War I, the Iraqi government was pumping out stories of civilian lives lost and damage non-stop. How much of it was true is clearly debatable, but it was definitely present. So how come there isn't any this time? Or is there and I just haven't seen it?

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I just saw a vid clip of Iraqi soldiers shooting into the river at what was suppossed to be down airman. I have a question about this. If there really was a downed plane and 2 crewman parachuted out. Is it against the Geneva convention to shoot and kill these men without giving them a chance to surrender?

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There has been some propoganda. As examples, they denied we've taken their southern cities even as we had flags flying. They have claimed that as of last night only 19 missiles have hit Baghdad, and the rest, tons, were shot down. They have said we've injured hundreds of civilians. I'm always amused by those pictures, because most of the pictures are of people who look completely healthy with a clean bandage around their heads. No matter, there has been some of the propoganda, but, I think a lot less than the first Gulf War simply because they don't have the same command over the information now that they had then. We are targeting them now. We may have hurt Saddam. They don't have the same communication ability right now so it's harder for them to lie as well.

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The first tape of Saddam and the speech that went along with it, and the video clip shown yesterday of Saddam and his "war council" and it's ensuing comments are also forms of propaganda. Agreed though. The airstrikes have clearly done damage to their ability to communicate.............and to the ones who do the communicating.

Edit. The story on the downed airman, (false), came from Baghdad through German,Russian, and a few Arab media outlets. wonderful.


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Interesting timing there Dave. Apparently Al-Jazeera TV has shown, within the last hour I believe, a video of what appears to be 5 American POW's, (including 1 woman) and 5 dead American soldiers in a morgue. Pentagon officials are disturbed by this video which Fox shared with them. (Fox has made an editorial decision not to show the video). Pentagon officials have stated that it appears as though the 5 dead soldiers may have been executed. Shot in the head. This is being reported right now. This could change, but that is what is going on right now. Suggest patience right now.

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You'd have thought that Iraq's leadership would have studied us better in the past 10 years.

They would have been well advised to come up with a suave Western-style face and voice - possibly female - to work us over. I suspect Saddam just wouldn't permit it.

They seem instead to do a lot of screeching about how 'the Americans will all die in the desert' and pompous stuff that's not very credible.

None of the Arab nations have ever figured out the importance of propaganda in dealing with the Christian West.

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