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To Those Who Have Been To A Draft Day Party At Fedex Field


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This was taken at the first DDP. At the last one, they had this security guard who was an A #1 dick, who seemed to be rude to everybody and the ass-hat woul not move far enough away from the trophys for anyone to get a decent shot.

The S.O.B. seemed like he was going out of his way to get in the pics and he would actually scowl, trying to look all "rent-a-cop" hard and what not. There were 2 PG County cops 10 feet away, so it wasn't like anyone was going to run off with them or attack them with a hammer.

I was so pissed, that I e-mailed the Redskins to complain and requested that they do something to rectify the matter. Never did get a response....

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I'm also going to my first DDP today, and was just wandering a few things. Is it really necessary to get there at noon? The draft doesn't even start until 3, when would you suggest going? Is there a lot of standing around, or are there plenty of activities to keep you busy the whole day? Will there be food? Should I bring a camera? Where do I park? Basically, a summary for what the whole day will be like would be nice. :) I already checked the page on redskins.com, where you get your ticket from, but it was kind of vague in saying what the day will be like. Any help would be much appreciated. ;)

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ok yes ther will be stuff to keep you entertained you can tour the locker room jim zorn speaks at 2 the halas trophies will be on display along with the super bowl trophies they let you on the feild they let you kick feild goals if you want and the big passing things you can thorw into to i even got gibbs last year to sign my skins helment i stayed until 7:30 last year and others didnt leave till 9pm so i was i good all day and im coming from west virgina

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