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The Best Sean Taylor Rap In The World!!!

Triple C

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As I said before... you are talented enough to not have to rap about the gloom and doom of St's life. The harder challenge for you is to make something his daughter and wife someday would want to hear. You are very talented at what you do but I dont really want to hear how St got "popped" throughout a song.

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Not a fan of rap music so I may not be the best judge. In my opinion there is very little rythm and poor lyrics. It also sounds like you recorded it when you had a stuffy nose or something. A nice gesture, but not anything close to being any good.

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Not a fan of rap music so I may not be the best judge. In my opinion there is very little rythm and poor lyrics. It also sounds like you recorded it when you had a stuffy nose or something. A nice gesture, but not anything close to being any good.

Yeah it just sounds like your just talking over a beat in the background but not actually TO the beat. If you could put it to a beat thatd be better.

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Not a fan of rap music so I may not be the best judge. In my opinion there is very little rythm and poor lyrics. It also sounds like you recorded it when you had a stuffy nose or something. A nice gesture, but not anything close to being any good.


To the OP, great lyrics, only 16 and better than adult lyricists.

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fellas. y don't yall come up with a song or a rap then. this guy cared about that man so much that he did this on his own. i dig it. props to ya man. taylor was def a legend. and i don't think that this rap song was for your comments fellas as much as it was for the man, sean taylor. like i said come out with your song n let us bash you. but neways, props to ya brotha. he wouldve appreciated that and it makes me miss him. everytime i c the redskins or play madden i think of sean.

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If this actually was a freestyle I would say all right, not bad. However, it was obviously written. The reason he sounds to fast for the beat at times, and to slow at others is because he lacks breath control. His flow speeds up as he runs out of breath, but when he catches it his rhyme sloowwss down. Plus, the quality was bunk. He made a hot beat sound like garbage, which drives real heads insane. However, all that stuff is easily fixed with practice and there was some quality to his rhyme. With a correctly leveled track and some breath control this kid could sound hot.

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Alright thanks for the comments guys. And yes this is a freestyle. I posted a freetsyle about 2 days after sean died but some ppl couldnt work the link. so i just memorised my freestyle and spat it again and put it on youtube. For all those people who say its garbage thats great. Your opinion will be taken into thought whne you produce a better sean taylor rap. And for the people who give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism thanks a lot. I know Im talented I perform at clubs at my school you name it. However I dont have the best quality material (mic, sound editing program) And as for rhythm it wasnt written for the beat. It was a freestyle on another beat on a website. But keep the comments comin

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Actually, I like what the rap was saying. It's the words more than music for me on this one. Though I would be curious to hear what C could do with these lyrics in something other than freestyle. Took some time to write it and compose it I'm sure.

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^thanks someone understands hip hop is not about crazy voice effects and **** tis a message. If you want me to do another rap about the redskins i will gimiie a topic

Seriously. Did someone actually say it wasn't a freestyle cause it was about Sean??

:laugh: Jesus. :doh:

Props man. Umm. Don't have any ideas yet about a new one, but if I come up with one I'll post.

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