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NYT Blog: Spying 11 Times Worse Than Tampering


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March 25, 2008, 1:23 pm

N.F.L. Rules Spying 11 Times Worse Than Tampering

By Michael David Smith

Commissioner Roger Goodell ruled yesterday that taping another team’s signals is 11 times as bad as tampering with another team’s players.

Goodell didn’t come right out and say that, but that’s the inference we can draw from the relative punishments of the 49ers and Patriots, the two teams he has stripped of picks in the 2008 draft.

Yesterday Goodell docked the 49ers their fifth-round draft pick and forced them to exchange third-round picks with the Bears as punishment for impermissible contact with linebacker Lance Briggs’s agent. The Patriots lost their first-round draft pick as punishment for taping the Jets’ defensive signals during the 2007 season.

So how do we determine that the Patriots’ punishment was 11 times as severe as the 49ers’? It all goes back to the draft-pick value chart, popularized by former Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson, which assigns a numeric value to all 256 picks in the N.F.L. draft, with the first pick worth 3,000 points and the last pick worth 0.4 points.

Teams use the chart for guidance when making trades, and we can use it for guidance when assessing Goodell’s punishments as well. The 49ers lost 63.5 points worth of draft positioning yesterday: Their fifth-round pick was worth 38.5 points, while the difference between their third-round pick and the Bears’ third-round pick was worth 25 points. ...

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Interesting perspective.

With spygate it can be argued the Pat's win was a direct result of the taping.

With the tampering charges it can be argued Brigg's wasn't going back to the Bears anyway or only if they were high bidder.

In these circumstances it does seem spying>tampering.

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Goodell is becoming somewhat a joke.

He already is a joke. The owners should get rid of this assclown. It is absolute bull**** that the Patriots have been caught cheating for years and are still allowed to pick 7th OVERALL in the draft.

Goodell only took away the Patriots' own first round pick because they had two. Not to mention the SOB went and destroyed all the evidence of the Patriots years of cheating. I can't believe more owners haven't had more of an issue with this.

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He already is a joke. The owners should get rid of this assclown. It is absolute bull**** that the Patriots have been caught cheating for years and are still allowed to pick 7th OVERALL in the draft.

Goodell only took away the Patriots' own first round pick because they had two. Not to mention the SOB went and destroyed all the evidence of the Patriots years of cheating. I can't believe more owners haven't had more of an issue with this.

IMO, I think owners would rather have a commish who they know has their interests in mind (making more money) rather than a commish who was actually concerned with the "integrity of the sport".

Scandals are bad for business. Therefore a good commish (from the owners perspective) make the scandals go away. Goodell's decisions definitely seem to be geared towards the more pragmatic than idealistic -- no surprise there.

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He already is a joke. The owners should get rid of this assclown. It is absolute bull**** that the Patriots have been caught cheating for years and are still allowed to pick 7th OVERALL in the draft.

Goodell only took away the Patriots' own first round pick because they had two. Not to mention the SOB went and destroyed all the evidence of the Patriots years of cheating. I can't believe more owners haven't had more of an issue with this.

There's almost certainly other teams that videotape opponents or at least try to steal their signals via some technological means. More owners don't have an issue with it because if the league were to really crack down on it, more teams would be caught and punished. More teams caught and punished = less profit in the owners pocket.:2cents:

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He already is a joke. The owners should get rid of this assclown. It is absolute bull**** that the Patriots have been caught cheating for years and are still allowed to pick 7th OVERALL in the draft.

Goodell only took away the Patriots' own first round pick because they had two. Not to mention the SOB went and destroyed all the evidence of the Patriots years of cheating. I can't believe more owners haven't had more of an issue with this.

Not to mention the fact that they would lose a 2nd and a 3rd instead if they didn't make the playoffs.

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