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Key Swing States in '08

Tulane Skins Fan

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I've been thinking about this, and I'll say that I really don't think Florida is a swing state this year. I think Florida is going republican no matter who the democratic nominee.

That being said, I think the real battleground states this year are Virginia (amazingly, I think it will be the biggest fight), Missouri, and Iowa. Following them, I think Minnesota, Colorado, and New Mexico are big battlegrounds as well.

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I agree with VA being a swing state, but I also think Ohio will be important

Ohio is going democratic this year. Mccain will not get the conservative support here. That talk show host Bill Cunningham is from Cincy.

Also, the economy here sucks; so that will push the state towards the democratic column this year.

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Ohio is going democratic this year. Mccain will not get the conservative support here. That talk show host Bill Cunningham is from Cincy.

Also, the economy here sucks; so that will push the state towards the democratic column this year.

Dems traditionally do better when the economy is a big concern, like this year.

I do think a lot of the traditional rules like "red and blue" states will go out the window with McCain and (most likely) Obama having the ability to get the independants.

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