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I think most of you guys are interpreting the original post incorrectly. He's saying that he's mad that rapping and gold teeth are considered character flaws rather than judging character by their work ethic and unselfishness.
Right. And you shouldn't pre-judge the babysitter for your 8 and 10 year old daughters just because of the gang tats on his face either. I have yet to meet someone wearing grillz that didn't need to have them knocked 2" deep in the back of their throat.
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Cambl2Moss, cut it with the racist crap. Geeze. If people like you would just ignore it than it would go away. But your the type that likes to stir things up, I understand.

As for the people that say talent before character, you have no clue what character is. The patriots that won those three Super Bowls, those teams had character. You can't say they were the most talented team, but they did things the right way. They followed all the rules. Someone said look at Moss now, just the reason why I stopped getting on this message board. Too many low i.q.'s. Moss new he couldn't act that way in New England. He knew he was playing for a new contract and that if he didn't act appropriately his @$$ would be benched. Just consider the fact that the skins have had some of the most "TALENTED" teams the past 8 or so years and what have we done. You guys are the type of fan that make it hard to root for the skins.

So if it was a white Quarterback singing country after a game, people would be questioning if he was a trouble maker? Wake up buddy.

And trust me, you couldnt have me more wrong -- I am not the type that blames race for everything -- just the opposite. But I am not a complete moron that closes their eyes when blatant things are happening.

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I think most of you guys are interpreting the original post incorrectly. He's saying that he's mad that rapping and gold teeth are considered character flaws rather than judging character by their work ethic and unselfishness.

Thank you...at least one person out there is reasonable

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Ok maybe I do have you wrong. However, the fact remains that we aren't talking about a white, country singing Q.B.

I agree that rapping and gold teeth shouldn't be considered character flaws. But, it's human nature to assume and associate behavior to other characteristics a person may or may have. So, if people that get in trouble with the league have gold teeth or rap than thats what the league will associate bad character to. So don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining.

Cheese and crackers!

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To win in the NFL you need both good guys and "bad", for the sake of the argument, guys on the team. Good character guys keep control of the locker room while the "bad" guys give the team their swagger. For instance we won Bowls with guys like Riggo, Dexter, Wilbur, Gary Clark, and Brian Mitchell. Those guys were the swagger the mouth piece of those teams the guys who would literally punch an opposing player in the mouth, but they played with Art, Darrell, Charles, and Earnest who kept control of the locker room and kept those guys from going wild. Look at our team now who's the "Bad" guy, we did have ST but now it's LL and Sellers, that's it everyone else is a church mouse it seems like.

When you have to many from one side or not enough leaders to balance the sides then the team swings to much in one direction and you lose that swagger that you do need on Sunday's. Now there is a big difference between a "Bad" guy and a loose canon but the Skins have seemed to just avoid them all together.

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I simply meant that you can't really compare their rapping. Admittedly I don't know the full story about BLoyd but I was under the impression he was trying to start a rap career. Someone rapping to get his team pumped up in the locker room is completely different IMO.

Your right, Lloyd put rapping far ahead of his football career. (Malcolm Kelley coming off the top was alot better then Lloyds songs), but don't tell him that he might want to start a career too :D.

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Can't even believe that this is an actual discussion. Character always has to be the number one issue. There is an abundant amount of talent out there so no reason to get a questionable guy because that may mean an extra win. I will never support or cheer for a woman beater or want someone in our community who chooses to get loaded and risk our lives on the road. Yes, people make mistakes and so on but there needs to be a line and just to say that talent/skill is more important than character is one of the most ignorant and disturbing things that I've seen on here. The win at all costs idea is stupid and guessing by the posts, it seems that as long as it doesn't concern you, you don't care. Grow up, get a life and be careful what you wish for, knuckleheads.

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I don't want a murderer on the team, but I don't care if he's ****y, loud or brash. If he can play bring em in.

I disagree. I don't necessarily think if you bring in a player regardless of how ****y or loud he is, it's okay. If the players can't work with each other, then how are you supposed to work together to achieve that main goal?

Everyone has to be on the same page. If one player is up there worrying about his stats while the rest are like "Damn we gotta score", it just won't work out.

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I have edited this thread since many people think it has come down to race. Do not get me wrong, there are players of every race that have been trouble makers.

What is more important? Winning the Superbowl, or the Man of the Year award?:2cents:

Well, give me a player who has discipline and character any day over the guys with issues.

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