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Redskins Debate Series: Would YOU sign a 1 day contract with the Skins?


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On the drive home I flipped back and forth between the Sports Reporters and the John Riggins Show. The subject of Billy Crystal signing a 1 day contract with the Yankees to play a game in Spring Training came up. JR kinda straggled the fence (thinking it was absurd from an athletic point of view but kinda understood that he may have been taking it too seriously). Kevin was ok with it, while Gary wasn't. Czabe thought nothing of it and Pollin thought it was a mockery of the game (because Selig gave approval). Now my question is would YOU sign a 1 day contract to be a Washington Redskin? or would do you think it's 'hogwash' (pun intended)

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On the drive home I flipped back and forth between the Sports Reporters and the John Riggins Show. The subject of Billy Crystal signing a 1 day contract with the Yankees to play a game in Spring Training came up. JR kinda straggled the fence (thinking it was absurd from an athletic point of view but kinda understood that he may have been taking it too seriously). Kevin was ok with it, while Gary wasn't. Czabe thought nothing of it and Pollin thought it was a mockery of the game (because Selig gave approval). Now my question is would YOU sign a 1 day contract to be a Washington Redskin? or would do you think it's 'hogwash' (pun intended)

That's a no brainer... Of course I would sign that contract because they would see me beat out Jason Campbell in one day for the starting spot!!! Hey it's wishful thinking since I'm the same size and play QB in my league... ;)

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I played football in HighSchool and College for 2 years and I would jump at the chance.Although it wouldn't be fulfilling a dream like playing for the Redskins it would still be fun. I miss playing all the time it would be great to put the pads on one more time.

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Maybe a shot by Landry going across the middle in practice may make us think twice. :laugh:

But you'd have a story you could tell for the rest of your life. I guess I could understand if you're to a point where your body couldn't handle it, but even my dad who's 49 would love to be able play whether he gets hurt or not.

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5'10" 165 and I would be the middle man in the wedge just to put that jersey on oh and I would do it for free!
5'10'' 165 as the middle of the wedge! :laugh: I'm almost in pain just thinking about it!

I'd definitely play the 4th quarter of a preseason game if I could. 6'2'' and 195 so it's not like I'd get crushed...probably play some special teams or something.

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