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trade for Fitzgerald at the draft?


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Hi everyone, I read this board daily but I rarely post. Just wanted to post what I think might go down on draft day. I'm sure everyone saw the post the other day where there was speculation that we might receieve a compensatory third round pick. Well I'm thinking since we already have a third, we could trade our first and one of our thirds for Larry Fitz! What does everybody think? We would still have our 2nd, one of our thirds, 5th, 6th and 7th. In my opinion we could go after a DE in the 2nd, a CB for our third and then the best available player for the 5th, 6th, and 7th. I believe our needs after getting a WR, DE and CB would then be OL, LB, and I have been hearing that Zorn wants to draft a QB to groom. Does everyone feel this is feasible or am I really reaching here?

Oh, btw-:dallasuck

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Hi everyone, I read this board daily but I rarely post. Just wanted to post what I think might go down on draft day. I'm sure everyone saw the post the other day where there was speculation that we might receieve a compensatory third round pick. Well I'm thinking since we already have a third, we could trade our first and one of our thirds for Larry Fitz! What does everybody think? We would still have our 2nd, one of our thirds, 5th, 6th and 7th. In my opinion we could go after a DE in the 2nd, a CB for our third and then the best available player for the 5th, 6th, and 7th. I believe our needs after getting a WR, DE and CB would then be OL, LB, and I have been hearing that Zorn wants to draft a QB to groom. Does everyone feel this is feasible or am I really reaching here?

Oh, btw-:dallasuck

Well, I hope that we get a WR in the 1st round anyway. So if we get an extra 3rd - and that's the main thing - then, it'd be like just giving up a 1st. I'd love it!:applause:

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i would love to see that happen, but he's way too expensive. unless we could work miracles with his contract, it can't happen. it would be a great move for the team, particularly in campbell's growth as a qb. but it would all hinge on the $$$

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I posted this in the other Fitz thread but it certainly applies here as well:

From what I've been hearing, Philly was/is willing to give Arizona their #1 pick, Lito Sheppard and Sheldon Brown for Fitz.

I'd hate to see what we'd have to give up in order to get him here. I don't even want to imagine it, and I can't see it happening.

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Because of Fitz's ridiculous contract he would have to want to come to Washington. If he does, he is the one guy I would really like to go after. I have been estatic at how patient we've been through FA so far and I love that we haven't been blowing money like some of these other teams. Fitz would likely demand 25-30mill in guarunteed money which scares me but he would instantly make our offense a threat to anyone.

I would be excited to see it happen, but I don't see it as a realistic possibility. The numbers doen't exactly match up, and it all is up to Fitz on where he wants to go. With that contract he has some amazing leverage to basically get whatever he wants.

We may just be better off financially to draft a WR sometime in the first three rounds and try to develop someone ourselves. I doubt we could find a talent like Fitz but it would most surely be cheaper. Fitz's contract would put a LOT of money tied into the WR position.

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We are never getting him for that. The eagles who are actually on his list of contenders offered Lito Sheppard, their (higher) first round pick and reggie brown and got rebuffed. Our best hope is he stays in the Valley of the Sun because if he moves it'll be to Philly and we will be in the cellar of this division for a long time.

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Hi everyone, I read this board daily but I rarely post. Just wanted to post what I think might go down on draft day. I'm sure everyone saw the post the other day where there was speculation that we might receieve a compensatory third round pick. Well I'm thinking since we already have a third, we could trade our first and one of our thirds for Larry Fitz! What does everybody think? We would still have our 2nd, one of our thirds, 5th, 6th and 7th. In my opinion we could go after a DE in the 2nd, a CB for our third and then the best available player for the 5th, 6th, and 7th. I believe our needs after getting a WR, DE and CB would then be OL, LB, and I have been hearing that Zorn wants to draft a QB to groom. Does everyone feel this is feasible or am I really reaching here?

Bad move, keep the picks and develope our own chemistry. If he's unhappy with the Cards, he will be unhappy somewhere else.

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I posted this in the other Fitz thread but it certainly applies here as well:

From what I've been hearing, Philly was/is willing to give Arizona their #1 pick, Lito Sheppard and Sheldon Brown for Fitz.

I'd hate to see what we'd have to give up in order to get him here. I don't even want to imagine it, and I can't see it happening.

our 1st rounder in '08, '09, Springs, and God only knows...:2cents:

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I'm all for it if the trade comes with a guarantee that neither Thomas or Kendall get injured all year plus we are able to convert 3rd and short when we need to.

Outside of that I wonder how a WR will push the pile on 3rd and short, stop Portis getting hit behind the line and keep JC from getting hit so often he gets injured.

Having WRs get seperation isn't the problem. Keeping JC on his feet while the play developes is, as is a truely effective running game. Even without them keying in on the run we cannot beat a good team on the ground with our OL starters, which hurts our pass game - add an injury at OG and we're done. It's that simple IMO.

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One of the problems with Fitzgerald is trading for him, which you addressed, but paying him is a totally diffferent story. I think he's beyond repair, he'll always want that 15, 16, 17 mil a year contract. Thats ridiculous nobody is worth that kinda money. Just my opinion. Draft A guy that could be a Fitz. A hell of alot cheaper.

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I'd give up our 1st for Fitz in a second.

You can't trade Comp picks, so we'd have to throw in our higher 3rd (a 3rd comp pick is essentially a high 4th rounder). Given what Phillys offered, we'd likely have to throw in a player too - Betts? That's a lot to give up.

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Bad move, keep the picks and develope our own chemistry. If he's unhappy with the Cards, he will be unhappy somewhere else.

Portis wasn't happy in Denver. Moss wasn't that happy in New York. Both guys seemed to have worked out for us. :applause:

Fitzgerald's trade though is a pipe dream for Redskins fans though. Arizona won't give him up, and we'd have to do a lot more negotiations to work him in to our cap because of how much money he'd want.

"Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald is owed a base salary of $16.5 million for the 2008 season, thanks to the incentive-laden rookie deal that the Cardinals agreed to when they made him the third pick in the 2004 NFL draft..."

It's weird though, I always thought the Cardinals were one of the teams with millions of cap room every year. Guess not. They're still negotiating with a lot of players. An article on Mar. 5: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/cardinals/articles/0305kurtwarner.html

"That's important because the team [Arizona] is believed to be narrowly under the salary cap of $116 million. Coach Ken Whisenhunt said this week that additional free agent signings could result in cutting some players."

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OK, here is the deal. Fitz is guaranteed to make 31 M in the next two years!!! After that, you can not franchise him because the tag price is 21M a year. So he WILL become a FA in 2010, sign another deal and get another 20-30M guarantteed money. Basically, this guy is set to cash in at least 50M in next three years. Any team is to trade for him will have to re-do his contract which, of course, include at least 50 M guanranteed.

I am glad it is AZ's problem. We can sign him in 2010.

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I like the idea of trading down for more picks and Atlanta is one of the 4-12 or 5-11 teams that it would work well with. However, by your choices you leave OL as an afterthought in the 5th round or later, and arguably OL is the most critical need the team has. We haven't had any 5th rounder or later make the OL in over 10 years. AT that point you're just drafting for the practice squad.

Get some quality by drafting in the second or third rounds. Your QB and your new WR will appreciate the time it gives them.

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If it came down to Fitz for this years first and third or Roy Williams for Next years second. I would take Roy. Michael Smith says the skins are in the lead along with Oakland for Deangelo Hall. If we had to give up this years first and next years second for Hall and Roy Williams respectively, and then use the second and two 3rds this year on 2 D line and one Ol ineman then I would pull that trigger. Otherwise I would love to have Fitz for the next 5 years. He is the best of the group but it is hard to distinguish when it comes to that level. I like CJ the least becasue he is already 30 years old.

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