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Martian landslides caught in the act


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That is a pretty impressive photo from space. Kinda makes you wonder just how detailed our spy satellites must be.

The currently deployed ones (KH-12) launched earlier in the decade have resolutions approaching 10 centimeteres (4 inches) and can take images rapidly - perhaps not realtime video but close. They don't just take images straight down anymore but can also take images several hundred km away from their flight path. Also, they can take infrarared images so the combination of both visual and heat gives you a lot more information.

A generation being developed (FIA) was scrapped but a new generation will be deployed starting in the next five years.

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That is a pretty impressive photo from space. Kinda makes you wonder just how detailed our spy satellites must be.

No need to wonder at all.

25 years ago I worked on planes in the USAF with optics that could read the date on a dime from 85,000 feet.

I'd have to believe that now they could see what you're radio station is set on from space.

In short,, they can literally see anything they go looking for unless someone takes great pains to hide it.

>edit< What Corcaigh said.


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