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Two Announcements!!


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First the easy stuff. For those that have looked, I have an online comic strip that I hope you'll take a few seconds to go check out. I post a new strip each week on Wednesdays. The newest one just went up and it should also be starting to be published in the local newspaper. So here's the link and I hope you'll go check it out.

The War Out There

The other thing is better though. I just recently found out that my wife and I will soon (well, 9 months from now) have a new Redskins fan joining the family. Yup, she's pregnant and due sometime around October. Unfortunately we will be in Cowboy country due to me being stationed in Texas but hey, all my other kids were born there too and two of them like the Skins. So, all in all, two good announcements for the price of one post. Thanks everyone!

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Wow, once again Skins fans don't disappoint. I've had about 50 hits on my comic since yesterday so thanks a lot.

Also thanks for the well wishes. Don't worry, I'll raise the kid right and when it's born I'll be sure to dress it in some Skins stuff and post pics.

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