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Did Gibbs' style hinder Portis?

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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Of course Gibbs hurt Portis......and not just in ways that average fans can see--like in the way he ran him.

He also hurt him by being too slack.....by letting the players work on their own in the offseason......basically by setting a terrible precedent all around.

When you let that losing, collect a paycheck mentality creep into the system--it hurts every aspect of your team. There was simply no accountability. Nothing was expected of the players--nothing was expected of the coaches--nothing was expected of anyone.

The smartest thing would have been to trade Portis before last season--but that is asking wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much from the intelligence of the people in our front office.

Until we get someone smart in there......this same loser type stench will still permeate all facets of the organization.

Im afraid your 'trade Portis' opinion doesnt jive w/ your sig...but thats ok.

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Im afraid your 'trade Portis' opinion doesnt jive w/ your sig...but thats ok.

Yeah.....I overestimated the intelligence of the FO.

I mean we all knew they were just collecting paychecks for the most part.....but sheesh, come on.

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Back up! The question is "Did Gibbs' style hinder Portis?", the question wasn't "why did he feel it necessary to trade our best defensive player to fill an offensive role that, while important, could have been filled with a player better suited (both physically and financially) for that position?"

How could he hinder Portis when he was able to get the same production from a "less expensive, less talented" running back? He didn't hinder RBs, he ENHANCED them.

If repeatedly running a speed back better suited for open space into a wall of defenders over and over again is your definition of "enhancement" then by all means, he was certainly enhanced.

But as you said, we're talking about hindrance. And just so I'm clear, how would you define hindrance, in lieu of this conversation?

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