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WP/DG Blog: Waiting for Results


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Posted at 12:45 PM ET, 02/ 2/2008

Waiting for the Results

Well, the day has finally arrived for all of the voting pro football writers, when they may feel like they did as school children and their teacher would say, "Students, the test is over. Please close your books and put down your pencils."

On this day, February 2, 2008, sometime around 2 or 2:30 p.m. Mountain Time, my 20-year football career will not only have been officially declared as complete by me, but it will have been judged by all. My career will be graded, the results posted and announced to the world-signed, sealed and delivered. Hallelujah!

Truly, in some twisted, weird way -- while fighting off dinosaur-sized butterflies and sleep deprivation over the last 48 hours, and being interviewed by just about every media outlet in the nation -- I must say as I've said many times before, this experience, regardless of the results, has been nothing less than incredible. I have always been one who believed that the ride should be half the fun, regardless of your destination. However, I must admit, this ride has challenged that theory quite a bit. It has been fun, yeah.

A good example of this is right now. It's just about 1:15 a.m. here. All of my family members are sound asleep as I sit here not able to do the same; trying to type on these little keys while ignoring the rumbling in my stomach when, of everyone, I'm the one who most needs sleep...

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I really hope they vote him in today along with Monk.

I had expected at least a mention of Art Monk and Russ Grimm somewhere in his blog at some point. Given the man that he is, I'm surprised his blog is all about him and him alone. That was strange to me.

I'm a big fan of DG, but make no mistake; he does promote himself. It's not in any way the stupid ways that a lot of players have, and in many ways he uses his popularity for good, but he does things to keep himself popular, no doubt about it.

That said, I too am surpised about no mention, though.

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