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Gibbs coach structure still in use by danny (if it isn’t broke...)


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First new thread, so please dont rip me one right out of the box...

I am still not sure what to make of all this Fassal stuff, BUT...

How did Gibbs setup his coaching system?

He had a head coach of D and O and he had over site of these guys... Isnt this what it looks like Danny is trying to setup but with new pieces?

Fassal as Head Coach of all (except GM role which was Gibbs and now is Vin), Zoolander (Zorn) as Head Coach Ass of O and possibly Rex as Head Coach Ass of D...

Also on the Riggins show they brought up that it was strange that Danny and the Vin are going after coachs for O and D, but if you think of them as Head Coachs of their respective positions it would be something that the Dan and Vin would want to take a stab at...

Isnt this the setup Gibbs helped put in place (structure not coachs)? Just a thought of what was and what seems to be...

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....I also feel that when Dan said "if it isn't broke don't fix it", he was not referring to the team but to the front office. If I remember correctly it was in the context of somebody asking him about hiring a GM. He then responded in kind...He thinks he and Vinny are doing a swell job. IMO

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....I also feel that when Dan said "if it isn't broke don't fix it", he was not referring to the team but to the front office. If I remember correctly it was in the context of somebody asking him about hiring a GM. He then responded in kind...He thinks he and Vinny are doing a swell job. IMO

You're probably right...

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