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Big Pants Save the Day


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Big pants save the day


A family home was saved from burning down when a pair of giant knickers were used to put out a fire.


Jenny Marsey's size 18-20 cotton pants were grabbed to cover a frying pan fire at her home in Hartlepool.

Her son and nephew were trying to fry some bread when the blaze broke out, reports the BBC.

They grabbed the knickers from a pile of washing, doused them in water, and threw them over the fire.

Mrs Marsey, 53, said: "My £4.99 parachute knickers have come in handy for something. We've had a good laugh that they were a bit like a fire blanket."

Her son John and his cousin Darren, 23, were cooking, when they went to answer a knock at the door, only to return to a blazing kitchen.

Mrs Marsey said: "When they found the pan on fire they did what most people do and panicked.

"But they found a pair of my knickers in a washing basket and basically used them as a fire blanket to put out the fire."

Mrs Marsey, also mother to Sarah, 23, Joanne, 24, and Donna, 27, added: "I think if they had been my daughter Sarah's skimpy knickers they wouldn't have done any good.

"I'm taking it all in my stride and it's quite a funny start to the New Year."


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Misleading title.

Those are big "panties".

And danky ones at that.

How often do people fry bread at home ? Just curious. I never made donuts or funnel cake at home.

Maybe its a British thing?

I fry bread sometimes. Its how you make homemade croutons.:2cents:

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Firstly that's a bad picture of the knickers and I would be ashamed if they were mine--no matter if they were damaged in the fire or not.

Secondly why did they just pick up a pair of underwear? I mean next to socks, underwear is probably the smallest piece of clothing. I understand it was under pressure and all but...

Maybe those panties are bigger than advertised!

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