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Who do you hold responsible?


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Let's look at your logic. We were the worst playoff team in the worst conference in the league. We were a team which had to go on a four game winning streak over their last four games in order to qualify for that last place seat.

All true. When we had to win, we did, in spite of real adversity.

I'm not arguing we're "good" although again I don't see you defining what you mean. Now it appears that "good" is in league-wide, in which case I would say the NFC is mostly "pretty bad" and it's meaningless to discuss teams in a league-context as a member of the NFC (sad but true).

We are a team which couldn't consistantly defeat any team in our division. A team wich couldn't even beat teams with loosing records on a consistant manor.

Spin. Your words make things sound a lot worse than they were. We ended up 9-7, in the playoffs, on the heels of a 4-game winning streak. These are observable facts, not inspecific assertions (consistent manner?).

Top six team in the conference? That makes the 12th best team in the league. Kind of like Iraq was the fourth largest standing Army in the world on the eve of the first gulf war. We were the third largest standing army in the world at the time... Big drop off between 3 and 4. Big drop off between 11 and 12 I guess.

Now we're talking!!!!!! Let's stick to this. I agree, not a bad assertion - AFC being the better conference, let's simply say "12th best team in the league" (at worst). That should be obvious. Here's the problem again... you're saying we're "less than mediocre" LEAGUE-WIDE, and yet out of 32 teams you claim we're the 12th best team in the league. Again, ridiculous.

I say, you can't talk about an NFC team with a league-wide context, because then we'd be worse than "less than mediocre" as would most of the rest of the NFC, if not the whole conference. No, you've got to talk about the newly inferior NFC within a conference context. You've accepted my assertion that playoff teams are at worst the 6th best team in their conference (implicit from you're "12th best in the league" comment). So you're saying, the 6th best in the NFC is less than mediocre in the NFC. So more than half the conference is worse than "less than mediocre" and "less than mediocre" makes the playoffs. I wish you'd just admit your original position was untenable. I'm not even arguing something drastically different. But, you've pretty much got to say that a playoff team is on the other side of mediocre (even if it's slightly). The reason is, they made the playoffs. It's the definition of being "better than mediocre" and to do it in the toughest division in the conference (again proven in my previous posts) is an additional accomplishment.

Once in the playoffs, it's a battle of the cream of the conference. That's how it's supposed to be thought. And we lost. So, we're arguably the 6th best team in the conference. Not standing out from the crowd. But not less than mediocre. You made an obviously untenable comment.

Unless you add some new content to your argument that is sensible, I'm not going to respond further on this, because it's becoming more and more repetition. Out on this one unless you say something more. But really, your position is untenable because unless you say two things that are pretty crazy things, your point isn't made:

a) the playoff selection process is not correct (or, alternatively, the worst team in a conference to make the playoffs is NOT at least the 6th best team in the conference)

B) the 6th best team in the conference is less than mediocre (with 16 teams in a conference)

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Now we're talking!!!!!! Let's stick to this. I agree, not a bad assertion - AFC being the better conference, let's simply say "12th best team in the league" (at worst).

I would say the 12th best team in the league at best. The AFC had 10-6 teams like Cleveland which didn't make the playoffs. Cleveland beat Seatle. I wouldn't say the Skins had a better year than Cleveland. Likewise Houston was eight and eight, but they played in the AFC south which truely was the toughest division in the league. One could make the case Houston was better than the skins too.

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I would say the 12th best team in the league at best. The AFC had 10-6 teams like Cleveland which didn't make the playoffs. Cleveland beat Seatle. I wouldn't say the Skins had a better year than Cleveland. Likewise Houston was eight and eight, but they played in the AFC south which truely was the toughest division in the league. One could make the case Houston was better than the skins too.

It's not easy to compare across conferences, and the NFL doesn't really provide us a direct framework to do so until the Super Bowl, which is supposed to be the battle between the best of two conferences. I don't think you can talk about who's better across conferences with a lot of confidence. I'm responding one last time to clarify. I meant to stick to "top 6 in conference" and not continue your "top 12 in league" (which I do in the rest of my original post anyway).

Until the super bowl, you're primarily contending with your conference, not the other one.

So, the reality is in the other paragraphs, that you apparently chose to ignore.

To repost the main point I made:

Unless you add some new content to your argument that is sensible, I'm not going to respond further on this, because it's becoming more and more repetition. Out on this one unless you say something more. But really, your position is untenable because unless you say two things that are pretty crazy things, your point isn't made:

a) the playoff selection process is not correct (or, alternatively, the worst team in a conference to make the playoffs is NOT at least the 6th best team in the conference)

B) the 6th best team in the conference is less than mediocre (with 16 teams in a conference)

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I must say, Todd Collins had a great game. For a guy playing with almost no offensive line I thought he was terrific. How many balls can our recievers drop thrown right into their hands?

Everybody but Randle-El was dropping the ball. Even sure handed Cooly dropped what would have been a big gain.

It's hard for me to get totally down on Stephon Heyer. It would be a major accomplishment for a first year first round draftpick to block the starting NFC probowl defensive end. Heyer's play all year has been miraculous. Well reality cought up to us on Saterday. Not only did Heyer's play come back down to earth, but the assistance he was given to accomplish his imposible task was comically ineffective too.

What was Boswell thinking in his column Friday calling the Seattle defense among the worst in the league. They've got four probowlers. Think he could have enunciated the fact we had an undrafted rookie free agent, Teams #3 right tackle going against the starting NFC probowl end? Again Heyer may still be a good pro. Most pro linemen don't start their rookie year. It was one notable battle that we lost in an embarressing fassion.

So who do we hold responsible. I hold Moss responsible first, and I hold Clinton Portis responsible second. Simple fact of the matter is these guys aren't leaders. They're clowns. Their guys who this year showed up every third outing and posture the rest of the time. Moss was horrable all game. He was horrable all season except for a handful of games where he was average. Portis was caught from behind by a defensive tackle in the backfield. Clinton is our best runner, but he fumbles, he's injury prown, and he's eccentially a speed third down back on a team which needs a power back.

Our stars not only didn't take over that game, they didn't show up. It's easy to forgive Stephon Heyer who was put in an impossible situation. It's impossible to forgive Moss and Portis who get paid the big bucks to be leaders on this team and just don't seem to be able to intelectually will themselves to be motivated in any consistant fashion regardless of how big the game is.

Joe Gibbs has transformed the franchise. We were a very bad team before gibs came back. Now we are a mediocre team. We aren't a good team. Clearly the four game winning streak has been exposed as playing against other teams who were just dialing it in.

The hard facts are the skins never scared anybody. We lost and were dominated by a mediocre Seattle team who defeated one winning franchise all season. We're closer to bad, than we are too good.

I blame Cooley and Moss honestly.. Moss for dropping balls all day, giving up on his route that led to an INT for a touchdown...and Cooley for dropping the most critical ball of the day, a first down catch on the goal line...jeez, we would have had an 8 point lead, changes the whole landscape of the game at that point. That was huge. He was also blocking like a high school kid...That block in the back by Sellers was a homecooked call, complete BS...

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I can't blame anyone. I think our guys did one hell of a job especially with everything they have faced this year. I'm proud of every single one of our players. So thanks to the players for getting us to the playoffs. And here's to a better season next year :cheers: HTTR

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