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Jumpin on the Redskins Bandwagon!!??


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No offense, but you're over-reacting. BE HAPPY THAT REDSKINS COLORS ARE EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!!! I live in a town that is dominated by Dallas fans. I found myself feeling so proud wearing a Redskins jersey on New Year's Day to the movie theatre. C'mon people...no more griping....our beloved Skins are on a roll....everybody should be positive.

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She looks just like kitty man it's scary and she was a dallas fan just like her. Hhmm it might be kitty and and maybe he is lying that she is a stripper who knows. But we will find out soon! Cuz I'm going to ask her if that is her rocking the moss jersey! If so were getting a hotel room and I want her to wear that jersey just like that while I'm...................... I leave the rest for your imagination!!!!!:silly:

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WE don't need any fake skins fans!!! you should see all the bandwagon pat's fans here in NE, just sickening!

you should see the pats fanbase in fla. you know that is bandwagon.. you didn't see pats fans here till they got good, then all of a suuden the entire state hails from boston, mass.:doh:

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It was cool walking out into the parking lot yesterday after work and seeing a Redskins or a Cowpukes flag waving on so many cars... (I work in Hampton)

(we always seem to have alot of Cowpukes fans around here.. never figured that one out..)

Paloffs is now!!!!


PS - Don't worry.. I didn't key any of their cars!! :cool:

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I never jump on and off the bandwagon...its dumb to me. I love the Redskins so I suport them all year even when we are losing. Plus I always make sure I wear a Redskins t-shirt or somethning whenever Dallas plays. I know of a few of the so called fans and all I do is make fun of them. They try and act like they actually know something when we are winning. You will always have stupid people in the world and there is nothing you can do about it.

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The bandwagon is and always be a mainstay in professional athletics. We have captured the hearts of so many this year and I dont really have a problem with their outpouring of support for us. I know I was born a Skins fan and will take my last breath as a Skins fan. As for me, the liftgate on my truck is open and anyone who wants to hop on board is welcome!


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I guess so.. Because it bothers me knowing those of us who were there through the Rough times and then to watch the Johnny come latelys jump on win the ship is sailing smoothly. Sorry but Thats BS
Yeah, but they get no satisfaction from it at all. Being a fan is like being in a relationship. The fans who go for the one night stand get the immediate satisfaction, but nothing other than that. Me? I'm happily married to my Redskins, good times and bad.
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