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Just shouting from the mountain


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I'v always been told that when God does something good you should go tell it on the mountain. Well I want to shout it!!!!!!

A couple of people know that my Grandfather has been battleing Cancer which stemmed from him having Black Lung. It had spread from his lungs to his throat and brain. He was told there was nothing that could be done for him and hospice was called in today. This is a man that has never stepped foot in a church, been a moonshiner and an all around wild man from the coal fields of Harlan KY.

Today I got a message that he had accepted Christ as his savior!!!

I am so glad that this has happened. I had been questioning God for waiting so long to save him but as always I realize that God will do things all in his good time.

I realize that some of you will not care about this post...

I didn't post it to get respones, or to start an argument.

I just wanted to praise God in a public way.....

Thanks to those that knew bout this and were praying.

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Today Heaven Gained An Awesome Man

My grandfather Went to be with the Lord this morning.

He is an awesome man that I will truly miss.

Next to my father he was the most important man in my life.

I've never seen such a strong,caring and just flat out cool guy as him ever.

He suffered a lot at the end, but as he took his last breath he smiled as he saw what was to come.

This is an awesome confirmation that he accepted Christ just days ago and God made good on his promise to save us through his son Jesus.

It's finally starting to hurt.. I can't fight back the tears anymore.

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