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The SINGLE PLAY that has defined the Redskin's season ...


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Mine seems somewhat minor, but I feel it is reflective of the change in offensive philosophy that has saved this season for us.

Here it is:

We are leading in the 4th quarter. The OLD Gibbs would have run GUT, GUT, SIDELINE SCREEN, PUNT the rest of the game and hoped the defense could somehow hold on.

But not this time.

This time, Gibbs goes deep to Moss for the winning TD and seals the deal. Frankly, I was in shock. At that moment, I not only had hope we could make the playoffs, but that we might actually advance.

That's mine. What's yours?

Isn't it amazing how the play calling becomes more aggressive when you have a QB that the OC has absolute confidence in?

This is not an indictment on Campbell, but Collins has forgotten more football than Campbell knows and that is what we are seeing on the field.

Campbell will be the man when his time comes again...but this small Collins opportunity just shows you what an experienced QB can do in this offense.

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Isn't it amazing how the play calling becomes more aggressive when you have a QB that the OC has absolute confidence in?

This is not an indictment on Campbell, but Collins has forgotten more football than Campbell knows and that is what we are seeing on the field.

Campbell will be the man when his time comes again...but this small Collins opportunity just shows you what an experienced QB can do in this offense.

Yep, totally agree...

The one thing, though, that I'm not sure Collins can do that I am sure Campbell can do is bring the Skins back from being in a deep hole. I'm not sure how well Collins can do if the Skins found themselves down 17 points late in the 3rd quarter and the opposing defense keying on the passing game. I've seen Campbell bring the Skins back into the game (altho he still needs to learn how to WIN it after doing so lol )...

Hopefully we won't need to ever find out... :cheers:

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For me, the single play that both defined and saved our season was Jason Campbell getting his knee blown in the chicago game.

I said it was the biggest blessing we could have had this season, and I stand by that. For the Redskins team, it was the best thing that could have possibly happened. We had a Bears player do for us what many were too afraid to do - yank Campbell for his subpar play.

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For me it was the game against Minnie, when it looked like they were gaining momentum and they had 12 men on the field, Gibb's threw the flag, and the momentum shifted back to us..that was the defining moment for me and the shift.
thats the one i was going to pick as well
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Personally, I think that punt against the giants, that went very short, but rolled an extra 30 yards at such a slow pace. It made me think that we are always playing with twelve men and that with an advantage like that, we can not and will not be stopped.

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The play when Sean Taylor was injured. I don't remember the play but it changed the season and will have a lasting impact on the franchise for years to come.

It was in the Philadelphia game. A 15-yard facemask personal foul penalty, by the way.

Once he was out, the Eagles offense got much better.

How does everyone feel about Taylor's last play being a penalty? Fitting? Ironic? Funny? Sad? I'd like to know.

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