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This team is a true family, in every way!


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I have been in a depression most likely more than other Redskin fans during this trying, difficult season. When the season started I did not know what to expect, but I felt a feeling of hope that we would be better than last year. When the season started I saw that it was going to be a fight as Jason grew in the offense.

Just like everyone else I saw my beloved Skins drop games at the end of the fourth quarter and did not understand how this was taking place. Then my heart was broken when Sean was taken from us to soon, something that will be with me for the rest of my life.

During the time that we mourned the loss of Sean things changed for me. I had been a total Redskin fan, my mood changed with every win and loss of my team. Being a fan of the Redskins was one of the top priorities of my life. My wife, (who does not follow football}, did not understand why I was upset about someone I never met. I think I finally got through to her how I was hurting at this loss. However I started looking at the important things, my family, my grandchildren and my friends, letting them know how much I cared for them.

These last two weeks as we have moved on through our loss I see a team, a fan base that has grown closer together every day. We are a family, the team, the coaches, the front office and the fans!! As Coach Gibbs has said “we are in this together” Any Redskin fan that has walked around in public and approached another fan in the burgundy and gold and exchanged glances or spoken to each other knows this season has been like no other.

What has happened to us this season is above the game, yes we want to win, but no matter the outcome these last three games we are here for each other and our team! I am so proud of the organization from the owner down. The owner, coaches, players and fans of this team have been through a fire of trials and tribulations that coaches, players and fans of other teams can not truly understand.

So, the next time you are out in our colors, notice the people around you, look for your family, all of us that proudly wear the burgundy and gold stop and speak, wave, or nod. You will soon see that the Redskins nation is a family in every sense of the word. We are together, bonded in a way that few others can understand, WE ARE FAMILY!!!!!

HTTR :gaintsuck

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I have been in a depression most likely more than other Redskin fans during this trying, difficult season. When the season started I did not know what to expect, but I felt a feeling of hope that we would be better than last year. When the season started I saw that it was going to be a fight as Jason grew in the offense.

Just like everyone else I saw my beloved Skins drop games at the end of the fourth quarter and did not understand how this was taking place. Then my heart was broken when Sean was taken from us to soon, something that will be with me for the rest of my life.

During the time that we mourned the loss of Sean things changed for me. I had been a total Redskin fan, my mood changed with every win and loss of my team. Being a fan of the Redskins was one of the top priorities of my life. My wife, (who does not follow football}, did not understand why I was upset about someone I never met. I think I finally got through to her how I was hurting at this loss. However I started looking at the important things, my family, my grandchildren and my friends, letting them know how much I cared for them.

These last two weeks as we have moved on through our loss I see a team, a fan base that has grown closer together every day. We are a family, the team, the coaches, the front office and the fans!! As Coach Gibbs has said “we are in this together” Any Redskin fan that has walked around in public and approached another fan in the burgundy and gold and exchanged glances or spoken to each other knows this season has been like no other.

What has happened to us this season is above the game, yes we want to win, but no matter the outcome these last three games we are here for each other and our team! I am so proud of the organization from the owner down. The owner, coaches, players and fans of this team have been through a fire of trials and tribulations that coaches, players and fans of other teams can not truly understand.

So, the next time you are out in our colors, notice the people around you, look for your family, all of us that proudly wear the burgundy and gold stop and speak, wave, or nod. You will soon see that the Redskins nation is a family in every sense of the word. We are together, bonded in a way that few others can understand, WE ARE FAMILY!!!!!

HTTR :gaintsuck

Well said! :applause: :notworthy

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A lot of things I think and feel about the Redskins I keep to myself. That's because I'm not always confident that the level of emotion I feel about the team and the organization is particularly healthy. So I'm happy to occasionally see posts like post #1.

That's one of the reasons I enjoy Tarhog's occasional threads. He may not be the most extroverted person in the world, but he is certainly one of the more passionate when it comes to the Redskins -- and he's not afraid to express it on here -- whether it be anger, frustration, or sadness. And I relate to his posts very closely.

And by the way, who one-starred this thread??? Must have been a Cowboys fan. Why do we even let them in here anyway???

This might not be the most important thread in the world, but it deserves more than one star. I'll give it four. :)

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You should come to some tailgates. Everything is more family like there, and even better, no one leaves after three years to sign a bigger contract with some other tailgating group. Not that I know of anyway...but if they did, the retribution would be swift.

I have been to every ES tailgate this year except the Bears game. I'm the guy that has the Redskin Porsche, don't dive it to the games but had some pictures with me the first couple of games this year. I know what you mean about the family at the ES tailgate though.

Always nice to be with you guys there.

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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Great post... Even in Jacksonville I still see Redskins fans randomly and always make sure I say something... The funny thing is when I get the "look" from other fans... Wearing my Portis jersey proudly... I think some people wonder why.... But no matter what happens... I will always wear Redskins colors with a smile on my face...

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Wow, what an awesome post. I honestly couldn't agree more with you. I really feel like Redskins Nation is my extended family. Other people who aren't fans don't understand...but whatever, I come on here everyday to chat with friends! This has been the most trying season I can remember, but I wouldn't want to face it without my extended family!!! Anyway, enough contemplative prose here...I hope our boys kick some serious Giants' ***!!

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