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I was wrong about this Organization


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Joe T. was on Redskins radio today and made some really good points. He felt that Joe wouldn't have had a 10-6 record in his second year if the game passed him by. He believes the confusion started when Saunders entered the picture. Also commented it's hard to have an identity when your play makers aren't making plays.


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Joe T. was on Redskins radio today and made some really good points. He felt that Joe wouldn't have had a 10-6 record in his second year if the game passed him by. He believes the confusion started when Saunders entered the picture. Also commented it's hard to have an identity when your play makers aren't making plays.

After 60 football games, we haven't seen consistency on the offense, particularly in the passing game. If the playmakers aren't making plays, is it because they aren't good enough or is it because the coaching schemes or playcalling make it too difficult for them?

No matter how you answer this question, the fault is Joe's since he is in total charge of the football team. The players are his choices; the coaching is his to supervise.

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No matter how you answer this question, the fault is Joe's since he is in total charge of the football team. The players are his choices; the coaching is his to supervise.

Rightfully so, he has always shouldered the blame. He's a smart man and will either fix it or leave.

In the meantime, winning will take care of all of this.


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The Cowboys you are riding was built by Bill Parcells himself .....

So yes,we need a GM.

You just conceded that your point is mute. Two coaches proved to build a winning formula w/o a GM. Atlanta has "One of the best GM's" and I do not see rings around their fingers. I see a mess! A GM is just another person who could make good or bad decisions. We have made great personnel decisions as a team; we have had the misfortune of injuries which has robbed our potential.

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think about this:

Do you remember the old videos of Joe yelling and getting on players? Where is that now? Don't get me wrong. I love Joe Gibbs but sometimes it reminds me of how a father treats his children compared to how a grandfather treats his grandchildren. Grandfathers are there to console and offer insight whereas fathers tell you to get your head out your a**.

If we saw Joe yell at Moss or Portis for fumbling, don't tell me that we wouldn't be talking about that for weeks. We would say "Old Joe's back, Please come back one more year".

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I didnt read the whole thing because, I just dont have all night, but I do agree with the general gist. This team lacks leadership in players. Fletcher is pretty much our leader on defense, and JC apparently is it on offense. But there really lacks that real loud, motivated leader whos getting in peoples faces and constantly being vocal. Im a very quit person by nature. I get told that(or overhear that while im being quiet) all the time. However, ive captained many a sports team over the years, and even though I may be quiet for the most part, when it comes to sports, I get really loud and vocal. You find that a lot of players need that kind of direction, and motivation out on the field/court. I did a lot of yelling over the years. When players are down, you have to try and pick them up, when players are up, you have to keep them up. Sports are very mental, and emotions and momentum can have a big say in how things play out. A leaders job is to keep momentum for your team going, and cut off the other teams as fast as possible. Not everyone needs to be a leader, but SOMEONE needs to step up. Often, its better to have several, because not only can they be in more places at once, but they can feed off of eachother.

When you arent getting leadership from the coaches, real leaders step up and take it upon themselves. Thats the situation we find ourselves in now.

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good post. I agree with most of what you say. I don't see too many leaders on this team. Everyone is looking to everyone else to make a play or decision. We a player to step up and say that they are going to be in charge and get on people when they don't do what they are supposed to do. The GM issue is something that I feel should be addressed after Gibbs either leaves or reups or whatever. I am willing to let him play out the remainder of his time here, but if he were to re-sign here, I would like to see a real GM, and not racquetball boy and the privy council making decisions. The Redskins need someone who can make personnel decisions and worry about those type of things. Coach Gibbs seems to be aimless. He doesn't fully coach the offense and he doesn't coach the defense, so what is he doing with all his time? I think that if his time were less split up then he might be more successful. Look at what happened to Holmgren when his title was stripped from him. He did a lot better. I just hope that we can run the table. Unfortunately, we had so many opportunities that we could have been in the playoffs now, but that opportunity is over. Just hoping that we get into the playoffs, otherwise prepare to win the off-season sweepstakes again this year.

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When coach leaves after next season, i believe he will advise Dan on who the next coach should be. My gut tells me it will be GW but, if GW isnt the choice, coach will try to get Dan to hire a young hungry coach. While I am at it maybe he will tell Dan to lure Pioli or Newsome to head up the front office with some vet minimum with incentives.

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A good thoughtful incisive piece, I agree with most of what you wrote, however, Sean can, I believe be replaced maybe not to the exact same standard, but very close, and the replacement will need to buy a caravan and park it outside GW's house, he has to talk to GW about Sean all day every day, pick GWs brain about what made Sean so good and hard mentally tough, then watch every piece of film there is to see about Sean, then emulate it and emulate it and emulate it, Sean attacked like there was no tomorrow and thats what made him dangerous he hit hard and often, we need to provide the FEAR that Sean did again.

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