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Question for the mods


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i figured it was a joke.. i wasnt truly offended by it.

i used to use the word a lot, i don't anymore

a lot of my friends use it, i choose not to

im bored at work right now and saw that in a few posts and thought I would ask why it is allowed to be used... im not for censorship of any kind, but iof you are gonna censor other words why not that one

I could see the "damn" part. But if you're going to sensor God, then guys like KB are going to be SOL.

"*** will stand in judgement of you all."

We're allowed to say "ass," or most people would think he was talking about TK. :laugh:

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First, PMs are logically, intuitively, and indeed, officially, the way to handle "questions to the mods" and following said procedures support the preservation of thread-starting privileges. :)

Second, the OP question has now been seen, but, in all candor, given the stuff we have to do, it may be awhile before a direct or indirect answer to the question is provided. :)

Thenk yew. :cool:

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First, PMs are logically, intuitively, and indeed, officially, the way to handle "questions to the mods" or you may lost thread-starting privileges.

Second, given the stuff we have to do, it ,ay be awhile before you have answer to your question.

Thenk yew.

It wouldn't be the first time i've lost them

I posted it here for a reason.. so others could discuss it and the mods could get all views

Will you consider my emotions?


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