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Ron Paul Expects Over $12M in 4th Quarter


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Paul Expects Over $12M in 4th Quarter



Posted: 2007-12-02 21:29:34

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican Ron Paul said Sunday his upstart presidential campaign is on track to raise more than $12 million this quarter, boldly predicting the Iowa polls "are going to continue to shift" once he's finished spending it all.

Speaking on CNN's "Late Edition," Paul said he had raised roughly $10.4 million so far in the quarter beginning Oct. 1, an amount that is already double the $5.2 million he pulled in during the third quarter. A big online fundraising effort planned for Dec. 16 could push the fourth quarter's total higher by several million, he said.

"We are going to be way over our goal of $12 million," said the 10-term Texas congressman. "And, I mean, at this rate, it could be, you know, maybe $14 million or $15 million. It just is astounding."

"People are ready for some changes," Paul said. "It really tells me that although I had a great deal of concerns about the country, the American people were equally concerned and they are willing to put their money with a candidate who is willing to state these positions, all of these concerns, whether it is the foreign policy and coming home, or the irresponsible spending here."

Paul, a former Libertarian who stands apart from the other GOP presidential contenders by opposing the Iraq war, was running fifth in Iowa in a recent Des Moines Register poll behind rivals Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson, and tied with John McCain.

Citing the Constitution as his guide, Paul opposes law enforcement or anti-terrorism measures that he believes encroach on civil liberties. His views on small government extend to reducing if not eliminating the Education Department and the Department of Homeland Security. And he favors limiting immigration and strengthening border security.

Kent Redfield, a professor of political studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield, said in a telephone interview that Paul's strong fundraising numbers demonstrate how grass-roots efforts via the Internet can help lesser known candidates compete on a more equal footing to higher profile contenders.

"It's a model for other candidates on how to get on the radar and meet the basic threshold of moving beyond being a niche or vanity candidate," he said. "But he'll have to show in New Hampshire and in the caucuses that he can build on that."

Paul said he expects his poll numbers to move up. He has devoted a significant amount of resources on ad buys in the early states of New Hampshire and Iowa.

"People are just starting to think about how they are going to vote in these primaries," Paul said. "The people are really annoyed with conventional politics and we are spending this money. We are spending it in Iowa. So I think those polls are going to continue to shift. Our numbers are going up."

(This version CORRECTS SUBS graf 5 to correct that Paul polled fifth in Iowa, sted fourth.)

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. Active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

12/02/07 21:28 EST


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Oh that's great news.

Why don't these ****s do something good with all this money?

I take it your not a Paul support...lol.

And Fyi.....they are doing something good. They are taking this country back from the corrupt, sadistic, SOBs, who are running and attempting to run it.

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I take it your not a Paul support...lol.

And Fyi.....they are doing something good. They are taking this country back from the corrupt, sadistic, SOBs, who are running and attempting to run it.

I'm not a supporter of politics in general.

I'm young and ever since I've been old enough to understand politics, they've all been douches in my eyes.

Every single one of them. Clinton. Bush. you name it.

I just think that all the money they use to campaign and spew lies all over the country could benefit someone else.

12 Million dollars? What does that go towards? Pamplets? Workers? A jet?


I don't know man. I don't really like the way things go in the political world.

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LOL. I'd NEVER give money to a politician. That money would be infinitely more valuable going to someone who actually needs and benefits from it. Why don't we cure cancer first instead of giving it to some corrupt politician?

And the truth shall set this country free.

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I'm not a supporter of politics in general.

I'm young and ever since I've been old enough to understand politics, they've all been douches in my eyes.

Every single one of them. Clinton. Bush. you name it.

I just think that all the money they use to campaign and spew lies all over the country could benefit someone else.

12 Million dollars? What does that go towards? Pamplets? Workers? A jet?


I don't know man. I don't really like the way things go in the political world.

I understand where your coming from and I felt the same way.

They ARE all douches. Except Ron Paul. He is a genuine human who is founding father quality. I'm not snowing you either. All you have to do is watch these debates and see how all of the other canidates are contrived and full of crap. Paul is the polar opposite of these guys.

I with you though, never cared for politics for a long time, never gave money, but Paul is the first guy I actually gave money to. The reason being is to extract change in this country, you have to do something different. Paul is something different. The problem is, the big corporations and millionares in this country give the big bucks to the controlled guys who are just going to keep doing the same stuff.

They would never give Paul money because he would stop the gravy train for them. All of Paul's money (or majority of it) has been through donations from actual people. That is not usually the case. It should tell anyone exactly how many people are supporting Paul in that he is going to generate more money than anyone else.

I also don't understand the money thing either. Never made sense to me. Unfortunately, this country's political scene mandates you have to have a lot of money to play on the ball field. It is completely rediculous, but that is how it is.

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LOL. I'd NEVER give money to a politician. That money would be infinitely more valuable going to someone who actually needs and benefits from it. Why don't we cure cancer first instead of giving it to some corrupt politician?

It is ironic that you think your money going to cancer "research" will go to where it is intended.

If it did, we would have had a cure a decade ago...

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I understand where your coming from and I felt the same way.

They ARE all douches. Except Ron Paul. He is a genuine human who is founding father quality. I'm not snowing you either. All you have to do is watch these debates and see how all of the other canidates are contrived and full of crap. Paul is the polar opposite of these guys.

I with you though, never cared for politics for a long time, never gave money, but Paul is the first guy I actually gave money to. The reason being is to extract change in this country, you have to do something different. Paul is something different. The problem is, the big corporations and millionares in this country give the big bucks to the controlled guys who are just going to keep doing the same stuff.

They would never give Paul money because he would stop the gravy train for them. All of Paul's money (or majority of it) has been through donations from actual people. That is not usually the case. It should tell anyone exactly how many people are supporting Paul in that he is going to generate more money than anyone else.

I also don't understand the money thing either. Never made sense to me. Unfortunately, this country's political scene mandates you have to have a lot of money to play on the ball field. It is completely rediculous, but that is how it is.

I missed the last debate.

Maybe I should go watch.

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It's on youtube in a much shorter version.

It is actually much easier to view that way.

He's definitely a very interesting character.

I didn't really like his answer to "will you run as an independent?" though.

At the same time I understand he couldn't really snub the Republican party on T.V. like that.

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He's definitely a very interesting character.

I didn't really like his answer to "will you run as an independent?" though.

At the same time I understand he couldn't really snub the Republican party on T.V. like that.

Your right, he can't.

For him to have any shot at the Presidency, he has to run as a Republican. The sad part is, he is more republican than all of the other canidates on stage. He is old school republican, not this neo-con crap that is infecting this world.

I like the fact that your keeping an open mind, even though you don't care for politics.

It seems like you have good instincts, which is the most important part.

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Your right, he can't.

For him to have any shot at the Presidency, he has to run as a Republican. The sad part is, he is more republican than all of the other canidates on stage. He is old school republican, not this neo-con crap that is infecting this world.

I like the fact that your keeping an open mind, even though you don't care for politics.

It seems like you have good instincts, which is the most important part.

I'm trying to keep an open mind.

This will be the first year I'm allowed to vote. I was too young for the 2004 election.

After Bush was elected that year, I gave up on caring about politics. I thought the democratic system and the people that voted would have been smart enough to get rid of him. At the same time, I didn't like Kerry either. I felt he would have been the lesser of two evils though.

If someone can really show me they are different between now and next year, I may find myself at the polls after all.

I don't believe in sticking with one party though. I think people need to be open minded and not vote one way just because that's how they were raised or that's what everyone else is doing. My mom told me before I moved out that if I ever voted anything but democrat then she would disown me.

I told her to let the disowning process commence. I don't see how Americans can be so narrow minded and not hear the issues first.

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He's definitely a very interesting character.

I didn't really like his answer to "will you run as an independent?" though.

At the same time I understand he couldn't really snub the Republican party on T.V. like that.

He ran as the Libertarian candidate in 1988, he knows how hard it is and he doesn't want to do it again unless there is some major change in the system.

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I'm trying to keep an open mind.

This will be the first year I'm allowed to vote. I was too young for the 2004 election.

After Bush was elected that year, I gave up on caring about politics. I thought the democratic system and the people that voted would have been smart enough to get rid of him. At the same time, I didn't like Kerry either. I felt he would have been the lesser of two evils though.

If someone can really show me they are different between now and next year, I may find myself at the polls after all.

I don't believe in sticking with one party though. I think people need to be open minded and not vote one way just because that's how they were raised or that's what everyone else is doing. My mom told me before I moved out that if I ever voted anything but democrat then she would disown me.

I told her to let the disowning process commence. I don't see how Americans can be so narrow minded and not hear the issues first.

By your commentary, I can tell your an independant thinker.

I was honestly the same way, i just want the best person. I loved Reagon, I loved Clinton, then I wanted Kerry because he was clearly the lesser of two evils.

Then I woke up and realized that both parties are controlled an nothing really changes based on party affiliation. All you need to do is look at the most recent example of the Democratic controlled house. Nothing has changed. A lot of rhotoric, but nothing changes.

I also never understood the whole party thing. Even in school when I learned about the party system, I asked the teacher all kinds of questions about why it was needed if we were all Americans. Never seemed right to me.

Now, I understand it so much more.

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