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I am not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere, as the search function is not working for me, but i figured today and moving forward the schedule for the 'Skins will be very difficult to maintain.

Assuming practice does happen today, and the coaches can reasonably assign a game plan, I expect the 'Skins to play the Bills at FedEx on Sunday, as planned. Afterall, the players will really want to honor Sean immediately.

However, with the funeral scheduled for early next week, and the entire organization slated to attend, being prepared to play Thursday night will be very tough for the team.

With the Sunday night game being available for flex scheduling, wouldn't it be a great gesture by the NFL and NBC, to allow the 'Skins and Bears to play then instead?

I realize the flex scheduling is, by rule, not available to games originally slated for Thurs., Sat., and Mon. night, but is this not a scenario perfect for adjusting this?

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At first I was against changing the schedule, because I thought that Sean Taylor wouldn't have wanted that. But in this case, I'd be in favor of moving it to Sunday night. In my case, my boss is sending me down to Richmond for a conference on Thursday and Friday, and I was planning to drive back up here for the game on thursday, so it would benefit my schedule as well. But if there's a time to bend the rules, it's this.

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I think it'll be tough to get that Thursday game changed seeing as how it's a NFL Network game and they aren't gonna want to let that time slot go on dead air because I'm quite sure no other team let alone two other teams are going to volunteer to play a game 4 days ahead of schedule. It's a tough spot and I'm sure the league understands that, but not enough to change the schedule!

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Another way to look at it:

Redskins players and coaches have to go all out the next week or so to stay focused, honor Sean, and prepare to play two games.

But after that Thursday game, the team can get a very much needed three day break. Maybe playing Thursday and then having that extended break would be best?

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I think it'll be tough to get that Thursday game changed seeing as how it's a NFL Network game and they aren't gonna want to let that time slot go on dead air because I'm quite sure no other team let alone two other teams are going to volunteer to play a game 4 days ahead of schedule. It's a tough spot and I'm sure the league understands that, but not enough to change the schedule!

It's not likely but there is precedent as recent as six seasons ago.

Major League Baseball extended its regular season by one week in order to make up the six days of games that were postponed because of 9-11. That put the World Series one week later than planned. The NFL has always not scheduled a Sunday night game on the first weekend of the World Series which meant the game scheduled for a potential Game 7 was now on a guaranteed Game 2. What game was that? NY Giants at Washington.

The league decided to air the game on Thursday but there was one problem: the Giants were hosting Philadelphia the previous Monday night and it would not be fair for a team to play with only two days to recover. So they moved us to Sunday afternoon and put another game (Indianapolis at Kansas City) on Thursday night.

The league would not be crossing unchartered territory if they were to make a switch. But the decision would have to be made pretty quickly in order for those teams to prepare. And it could not be that weekend's Sunday night game (Indianapolis at Baltimore) because Baltimore plays on Monday the 3rd and would provide only two days of rest.

Presuming the funeral is more towards the middle of next week, the best option would be to play the game on Friday or Saturday night on NFL Network.

:2cents: :2cents: :2cents:

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