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Post Your favorite Highlight/memory of Sean


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Too many in game memories to choose from. Maybe the big hit to seal the game against Dallas in our 14-13 comeback.

Oh and not really a memory, but I LOVED playing with Sean in Madden too. He's just such a beast. My friends HATE when I pick the Skins because they know they'll have to deal with #21 all day.

Man.... I'm really just messed up over this...

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Well, I already posted this in a similar thread, but that one kinda lost steam so...

Some of my favorite memories of Sean are of him attempting to make the most out of turnovers. Every now and then he would try to lateral the ball to someone else and even though I would find myself yelling "Nooooo!" or "Don't do it Sean!", afraid that he'd lose it, I vividly remember the fact that there was always a smile or laugh accompanying my exclamations. I loved that he was such a playmaker.

This morning after I heard the news, one such instance popped into my head and, for some reason, I imagined it happening with the Harlem Globetrotters' theme song playing in the background. Got a good laugh outta that. :)


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Favorite highlight of ST, ummmmmm, how bout the 2005 Pro Bowl when he hit Moorman the punter...I don't think I've ever been so excited and pumped up about a hit as I was when I saw that.. I made it into a gif and used it as my fantasy football avatar..

my wife and I would sit and watch Marcus and Sean dance when the music was pumping at FedEx as the defense came on the field..It always made us laugh..

RIP 36,21:notworthy

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My favourite memory of him is this season. He was finally making the impact we knew he could, and he knew he could. He was going to be considered for defensive player of the year and he was going to be debated against Bob Sanders as the best safety in the league. He was a pleasure to watch this season, I was so proud and happy for him that he was in such a good place personally and professionally. His life was seriously just beginning. I will always remember this season and his impact as much as his fumble recoveres and decleaters.

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I had first heard of ST when he was in college, after a Miami game was shown on TV on ESPN or something. I remember thinking "My God, who is THAT!" I was immedeatly a fan. For the few months before the draft all I talked about was Sean Taylor. He was what would put this team over the edge. He was a once-in-a lifetime player. I went to the draft day party at FedEx the year he was picked. I vividly remember how it was...half the people wanted Taylor, half wanted Winslow. When we picked ST I through my hands in in victory, Mr. Taylor was coming to Washington. I went to training camp, and people were all abuzz about him. I remember seeing him and just being in complete awe about his size, his speed, his hitting. He was bigger than the linebackers, and faster then the corners! Clearly we had made the right choice. His first preseason game was all anyone needed to see to see that we had something special on our hands. He had two picks, one going for a touchdown almost immedeatly. That summer I began playing JV football. Even though I was 6 foot 1 and 180 lbs at the time, which is lineman size for JV, I wanted to play safety. I wanted to be Sean Taylor. Unfortunately, I didn't have close to his skill set or his God-like athletism , and was moved to DE later in the year. But that didn't stop me from trying to emulate him. I wore undershirts with baggy sleaves because thats the way Sean wore em. I tried to walk with that swagger he walked with when I had my uniform on. The year we made the playoffs, I remember his fumble recovery for a TD. I just started yelling "Playoffs!" as loud as I could, and ran around the house. And of course, the next week when he put the game away once again. I remember how hyped up I got when he leveled Mooreman at the Pro-bowl. I remember the heated arguments I got into with Ravens, Eagles, and Cowboys fans comparing ST with Reed, Dawkins, and RW. But this year was different. There were no more arguments, as he had remarkably brought his game up to a new level. He was no longer #36, the incredible kid we drafted that made big plays, but looked as though he was relaying on his natural talant more then his brain. This year, he had finally matured into #21, the man who I say is the best Athlete I have ever been privaleged enough to be able to watch for the past four years. As I entered college this year, I was paired with an Eagles fan as a roommate. He woke me up this morning to tell me the news, and I could see he was just as distraught over the whole thing as I was. That was the respect he had from other fans. Today, I feel like I have begun the decent into adulthood, as one of my teen-year heros is gone. I'll miss watchin you on Sundays ST. Rest in Peace.

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Two plays stand out, his first preseason game, he was only in for a couple of plays when he intercepted a pass and returned it for a TD, I was in awe and knew right away he was the real deal. The 2nd was two years ago when we were pounding the Cowboys at Fed Ex Field. Terry Glenn was running about a 12-yard slant route, he was open and the ball was on target. Glenn saw Sean closing in and almost went into the fetal position in mid stride and didn’t even attempt to catch the ball. I had to rewind and watch that play over and over.

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The little ones. In the Green Bay game, chasing down the player Carlos had missed and dragging him down at the one. It wasn't his best play nor did it turn out well, but there was so much HEART in that play, it really stuck with me.

The fourth down tackle against the Panthers. Again, he just played 100% all the time, and it showed on plays like this.

And in the last game he played in, leaping onto a pile of players even though he was obviously hurting and didn't really need to.

I just loved plays where you could see how much he loved the game. It is what made it so easy to love him despite all the bad press.

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I see him running with those fumble returns like two weeks in a row in 2005. All the hits (even the late ones HAHAHAHA). How bout him running to get us in field goal range against dallas after we blocked the field goal. He was just fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

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This will be my only post on ESkins on Sean Taylor and I wont be on here for awhile. I dont know how to take this. Honestly I wont watch another football game for a while either. I know this isnt 9/11 and games shouldnt be pushed back for 1 player but if im a skins player there is no way i can even think about playing sunday. This post isnt about me or the game sunday its about Sean Taylor.

I am so upset that a man who changes his life so much and flys straight can have this happen to him. His daughter is a year old. He has a wife family friends teammates fans that all care about him. I feel like I have lost a brother and i dont know how to take this.

Every game that i cherish out of my ****ty 12 years of watching redskins football had something to do with sean making a play. The Cowboy 9/19 MNF game where he leveled crayton , the eagle game where he flew into the endzone to send us to the playoffs , the buc game where we made a statement and he lifted us to a big lead that gave us the win.

Honestly I dont know how to handle this im just so upset right now i cant even imagine how his family and friends are handling it. I see the pic of him on tv right now with the years of his life under it and it doesnt make sense. He was a great player but he had become such a great man off the field and now this happens.

I dont know how anyone could watch a game or play stupid fantasy football right now. I dont care if we never win or i never win another fantasy game again. this has gonna so real and it really has put me in a state of shock and im so upset. I dont know what to do.

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