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They showed Sean taylor getting a DUI


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On fox they just showed Sean Taylor getting a DUI being arrested by a cop, while they were talking about him. The werent even saying RIP or anything, they were talking about the "controversy" he got into off the field. WDF is wrong with some of the media don't they realize a human being just DIED???? I just woke up to this news so I sorta hope that I wake up in a few hours and this is just a dream...

Edit: just watched a different segment. Showed the SAME clip. Talked about all the trouble he got into and him missing the rookie meeting, and him firing both of his agents. Why aren't they showing his accomplishments???

RIP Sean Taylor

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lol I laugh at this these are the very people he wannted nothing to do with which is why he stayed away from the media ... he's probly laughing at them in heaven saying you didnt know a thing about me.... taylor was as real as anyone to bad they'd rather foucs on the tom brady's of the world and things like dui's, rather than talking about how team oriented he was, how in-touch he was with the fans, how much he loved his family.... its a joke, and a real shame

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You see, they did that because Taylor never gave interviews. The local media understood that for the most part, but when Taylor was on the road and didn't talk to the hometown reporters, they probably got mad. Word spread, and soon, the media guys probably blackballed Taylor. Petty, but it probably happened.

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I can't stand Fox. I can't stand Troy Aikman on their telecasts of Redskin games. I can't stand their ultra conservative views. F Fox News!


As any Fred Thompson supporter could tell you, Fox news is HARDLY ultra conservative--merely less liberal than CNN.

And Fox earlier was quite respectful of Sean.

What you're seeing now is the media, and even on CNN they delved into his previous incidents.

The fact is, no matter the outlet, they will touch on these events, fair or not (and i Think the DUI thing is totally unfair, lots of people have gotten those and the CASE WAS DISMISSED!)

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