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My First Time


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I've been a Redskin fan since I was 5 years old, but i'm from North Carolina so i've always admired from a far.

The first season I watched was the season the Skins won the Super Bowl against the Broncos, I was in Kindergarden, my parents would always sit me in front of the tv when they played. I watched the entire super bowl like I was a grown man.

The next year I didn't even need my parents to tell me when the games were and i've watched nearly every game since then, only missing games because of my own baseball games or practice. (Damn TIVO wasn't invented yet)

The Panthers rolled into town in 1995 and it would have been easy to jump **** based on the fact that the Redskins were god awful terrible, but it was never even an option, the Skins were it for me. I do not have a second favorite team, I don't root for anyone else once the Skins are out of it, i'm a Redskin fan, thats it.

I have recruited my younger brother into the Redskin fan base over the years, we now typically watch all the games together, which is tough because we live almost 3 hours away from each other.

My older brother who isn't much a football fan got my younger brother and I an early Christmas present. He got us tickets to the Redskin Bills game next Sunday, it will be the first Redskin game i've ever seen in person.

I know we have loss 3 in a row and are below .500 but I haven't given up hope. At 5-6 we are still right there in the thick of the playoff hunt.

The game today was ridiculous, we had 6 turnovers, 7 if you count the 4th down we didn't get. Yet with 7 turnovers we had the ball on the 15 yard line only needing a TD to win the game.

I'm not a homer but lets be honest, the Bucs are terrible, we dominated them. If you get 7 turnovers and still almost lose the game when you have 0 turnovers you are god awful.

Anyway, i'm really excited about my first Redskin game, I think if we can beat the Bills which we should we will be right back in it and the Bears game will be huge. Another game we should win if we just don't kick the ball to Hester.

I'm hoping the game I go to starts a winning streak.

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I've never been to a game back home, but we've gone to three of the games against the Cowboys, and man its an experience. I can definitely see us going 4-1 down the stretch, but at the same time I wouldn't bet on it based on their inconsistency from week to week. I agree with you that we should win that Bears game, if only based on the fact that Grossman very well may have been born with the sole purpose to turn the ball over to other teams. Have a good time at the game, and lets get that streak going.

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Anyway, i'm really excited about my first Redskin game, I think if we can beat the Bills which we should we will be right back in it and the Bears game will be huge. Another game we should win if we just don't kick the ball to Hester.


It appears you have more confidence in winning the games we should win than does Joe Gibbs.

It doesn't matter if we are dominating a team or not, it's amazing that we can always figure out how to blow a win. We lose to good teams and bad teams alike, because Gibbs has brainwashed the entire team into thinking that every single game is going to come down to the final play of the game, and sure enough, it just about always does. They say: If you hear something often enough you will start to believe it.

Have fun at your first live game. We might get lucky and win one of these games we're supposed to win, but then again, don't get your hopes up too high, especially if you're dreaming that we have a shot to make the playoffs.

Gibbs lack of confidence has removed all the confidence I had in him. He's become very good at snatching a defeat out of the jaws of victory, then standing around afterwards with his mouth open, wondering what in the world just happened.

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