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At what Point is the UN dead?


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I have a problem as well with the "we are going after them because they are a threat" theory as well.

-There is NO link to terrorism... Dems and GOP alike have said as much.

-IF we were to attack everyone who is a threat, we would never stop fighting.

I believe the link to terrorism is the key, IF you can prove that Iraq is supporting terrorists, than you have a case, other wise, who are we to push everyone around and make them conform to our beliefs.

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I know I am an idiot. I mean why don't we go to war with Iraq and have saddam unleash his biological agents on our boys and and girls oh and whats to stop him from unleashing the agents on his own people, while we fire at the armed civilions and kill children who are posing as human shields. Lets do it. Hey while we are at let's nuke Korea before they Nuke us oh ya and china too... man this sounds like so much fun. Screw em all. Let's play what a wonderful world why we are at it. Now I can accept that. Nothing like that song in the background to really set the Mood as every Muslim "Radicle" goes into rage overdrive, man can I can just see it now... and I think to myself what a wonderful world...

I mean why even think of avoiding the inevitable, we've had our fun now it's time to let all hell brake loose. Why didn't I think of that... Who needs the UN... We can take care of the worlds problems on our own by just annihilating it.

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Some of this logic just cracks me up:

1. We cant attack Iraq because they might use their chembio stuff but we cant attack Iraq because the UN has found no evidence they have it in the first place.

2. There is no evidence that Iraq supports terrorists who take death vows to destroy the US but if we attack Iraq the terrorists will retaliate against the US.

3. France and Germany say we cant attack Iraq because all we want is their oil, yet F&G have billions in oil contracts with Hussein.

4. The UN had inspectors in Iraq for a half dozen years before Husseins brother in law spilled the beans that Iraq had WMD programs going on under their noses yet the rightous thing to do now is put the UN inspectors in charge of containment of Iraqi WMD programs.

5. Terrorists will attack us because we attack Iraq, yet terrorists atacked us on 9/11/2001 when attacking Iraq wasn't on anyones radar (so to speak).

6. We supported Hussein and the Bin Laden types against Iran and the Soviets (avowed mortal enemies of the US) yet when they turn on us we lose any moral authority to condemn them for their avowed desire and ability to inflict more destruction on us.

7. The UN appoints Libya to head a panel of human rights and Iraq to head a panel of disarmament yet the UN is cited as the "controlling legal authority", to requote AlGore, of lawful actions as it pertains to US policy

8. If Iraq hadnt invaded sovereign Kuwait and suffered destruction and sanctions it would be friendly to us like it was when our first priority was to halt the Irani threat against the US.

9. The UN said a few years ago that Iraq had tons of WMD materials and Iraq has produced no evidence that it was destroyed yet the UN inspectors havent found any WMD materials in a country the size of California so the inspections must be working.

We Americans must be real dense to not appreciate the subtle intricacies of the more enlightened word community.


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