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More banned weapons fouund in Iraq


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Just curious, if you know the speed, entry time and flight path of the planes, how is that better than a satelite? Isn't the idea for them NOT to know when they are being watched? Won't they just do what the ydo for the satelites in terms of hiding their movements and covering things up with tarps and the like?

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Thats the whole point gbear.

Iraq wants this information to know when and where the U2 will be at all times. They say it is to ensure the safety of the U2. They want to know where it is so they don't accidentally shoot it down..........:doh: Give me a break, the UN should just start the flights and if Iraq shoots one down, then they fired the first shot at the UN and we will have to retaliate.

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Of course some people will ALWAYS say no, no matter how much info you need. However, just like after the State of the Union and Powell's speech. You have to admit there are a good amount of these people you dislike so much who support taking out Iraq.

Isn't Liberman one of the bigger guys supporting it?

You can find the people who are against it for the sake of being against the current administration.....just like if this were the other way around. You'd have Repubs saying that whatever the Dem White House is doing....even if it were this exact same thing....was wrong.

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I think there is a distinct possibility that we will face suicide bombers in the US if this war becomes a reality. I agree that Saddam is a bad guy and shouldn't be in power but right now we are pushing him and Osama Bin Laden together and that is not a good thing. They are polar opposites except for the fact that they both are ruthless and are amoral. Osama is a religious fanatic while Saddam is entirely secular. I think if we invade Iraq it will become a religious war very quickly with the Christians of the west backed by the Zionist Jewish World Government versus Islam.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

. I think if we invade Iraq it will become a religious war very quickly with the Christians of the west backed by the Zionist Jewish World Government versus Islam.

Dude, that would be a monster WWF battle!!!

"In the left corner, representing the Zionist World Government, the Rothschild conspiracy, the Illuminati, jack-booted UN thugs, secret helicoptors, financial cabals, and the crusades ... it's ... THE GREAT WHITE DEVIL!!!!!"

"In the right corner, representing the eternal Jihad against the unclean infidels, justice through stoning and mutilation, repression of women everywhere, suicide bombing of innocents and the reinstatement of the good old days of 1200 AD ... it's ... THE TALIBANINATOR!!!"

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

Dude, that would be a monster WWF battle!!!

Let me tell you Mean Gene, the last time these two got together it was nothing but ugly. Now if I was still in the game, I would take either of these shmo's on. It's all about the BELT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!UUUUUUWWWWW YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


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