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Does our Govt put us first or $$MONEY $$

Chief skin

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Thats what I thought but, ther are things, timelines, coincidences, that have to be considered, just to dismmiss it all is ignorant and dangerous

NO. To give even the slightest weight to these outrageous theorys "is ignorant and dangerous".

My god this wold is full of morons.:doh: :gus:

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Chief Skin,

Pay no mind to Mad Mike. He's just, well... mad.

It was the Mad Mikes of the world who chose to bury their heads in the sand over the Iran-Contra affair. Preferring instead to throw their alliance and their faith in a political party that would never attempt to deceive the American public. Yeah, right.

I'm not saying that your link has any merit. What I am saying is that any intelligent person keeps an open mind and based on numerous past U.S. government scandals, does not lightly dismiss scenarios in which our government might be less than forthcoming with the American public.

I wonder how many people like Mad Mike called others "morons" for suggesting that Oliver North might be acting illegally during Reagan's administration?

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Originally posted by TheKurp

Chief Skin,

Pay no mind to Mad Mike. He's just, well... mad.

It was the Mad Mikes of the world who chose to bury their heads in the sand over the Iran-Contra affair. Preferring instead to throw their alliance and their faith in a political party that would never attempt to deceive the American public. Yeah, right.

I'm not saying that your link has any merit. What I am saying is that any intelligent person keeps an open mind and based on numerous past U.S. government scandals, does not lightly dismiss scenarios in which our government might be less than forthcoming with the American public.

I wonder how many people like Mad Mike called others "morons" for suggesting that Oliver North might be acting illegally during Reagan's administration?

You credibility keeps going down hill. Here you are trying to lable me as taking a position I do not subscribe to, in efect making sh!t up, in an effort to tell me how I should keep an open mind when some moron comes up with a wild unsubstantiated theory.

Funny how you demand more information and more proof before going to war with a dictator who has attempted to assasinate an american president, yet when some moron makes wild claims about our president I should keep an open mind. You can't even be consistant with your stupidity. :jerkoff:

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Neither it seems are facts or the security of this country. :shootinth

Which of course is why you've chosen to pick apart the facts of this presentation, and its many references, and dispute them with facts of your own, right?

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Originally posted by TheKurp

Which of course is why you've chosen to pick apart the facts of this presentation, and its many references, and dispute them with facts of your own, right?

Why would I bother? Facts and logic have yet to sway you in anything else. Why would I exect them to work now? :doh:

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Why would I bother? Facts and logic have yet to sway you in anything else. Why would I exect them to work now? :doh:

Why is it that I expected this lazy answer from you?

Here's the point Mad Mike. If you had bothered to read the first of the two presentations on the link Chief Skin provided you would have discovered a number of facts, backed up by media references, that if nothing else, should disturb most people.

Conspiracy? That's the conclusion arrived at by the author. If you don't agree with the author's conclusion then you should state why. That's the acceptable response. Calling someone a moron is not acceptable, at least in the course of intelligent debate it's not.

Perhaps you should address either the statements in the presentation or the references and prove your case instead of taking the lazy (or ignorant) approach and calling someone a name.

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Bla, bla, bla. As I said before. Facts and logic have yet to sway you in any argument. You have not shown any consistancy in how you approach an argument, demanding more facts when it suits you at one momment and accepting wild theorys in another. If you somehow see my position that the theorys expounded by this website are not worthy of my time as a victory, more power to you. If, on the other hand you would like to continue the debate of a posible Al Qaeda/Iraqi link I will be happy to continue to shread your arguments as I have done for the past several days.

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Shred my arguments?

Mad Mike, surely you jest. You obviously are a legend within the confines of your own mind.

Let me clue you in. You offer nothing but your opinion, and usually ill-informed opinions at that.

Case in point? In a previous thread I questioned whether the presumed tape of Osama Bin Laden did anything to further establish the argument of a direct link between Iraq and al Qaeda.

You responded, in your usual ill-informed manner, that my assumption was rediculous.

A day later NBC, MSNBC and other news services released a story questioning the same thing.

Where's your response to "shred" their arguments?

Please. You've been exposed as nothing more than someone who's thinking is as shallow as a tide pool.

Here's a hint. Sources lend weight to an argument. Half-****ed ideas and name calling expose you for what you are, ill-equipped to debate intelligently.

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By the way, what was YOUR opening argument?

One, it's very easy to doctor a tape.

As I said. You are quick to dismiss evidence when it does not suit your case, and quick to grasp at straws when it does.

Now please tell me again how shallow my arguments are.

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Gentlemen, I am neither Liberal or conservative I prefer to think of myself as independent as such I have a more skeptical view of both parties, both have commited sins and therefore are open season on policies they attempt to force upon us. That is not moronic, or head up a$$.

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Mad Mike,

I rest my case.

Chief Skin,

No one has yet to address any of the points made in the presentation.

Most of the points quote sources that have live links to substantiate the context of the words.

The only thing anyone can seem to dispute is the conclusion made by the author.

None-the-less, the statements do appear to reveal if nothing else, a disturbing trend of incompetency among our nation's intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

If anyone wishes to discuss any part of the first presentation (I have trouble with the second), I'd be happy to hear their views.

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

By the way, what was YOUR opening argument?

As I said. You are quick to dismiss evidence when it does not suit your case, and quick to grasp at straws when it does.

Now please tell me again how shallow my arguments are.

Er excuse me Mad Mike, IT IS easy to doctor a tape. Trust me, I just rotated out of a group within Lockheed Martin where we did just that, doctor tapes. Of course it was for presentation purposes, and not meant to deceive in any manner.

And as of yet, intelligence has yet to verify the authenticity of the tape. So your *evidence*, until confirmed to be Osama, is nothing more than a recording that *sounds* like Osama.

I"m not quick to dismiss evidence. I'm quick to dismiss you.

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On October 31, 2001 two French news agencies reported alarming news. French daily Le Figaro and Radio France International said that between July 4 – 14, 2001 while receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection in an American hospital in Dubai, Big Foot met with CIA Station Chief Larry Mitchell.

See how easy it is to write this dribble.

Why would the CIA Station Chief chose to meet UBL in a hospital instead of a secure safe house? Cameras are ubiquitous as are cell phones so why no photo's or no phone call's to finger UBL for the reward money. It just does not add up. Ask yourself who benefits from this report and who suffers.

The US suffers of course while the French benefit. Where do we see similar US bashing taking place and by whose hand? The answer is obvious.

I stopped reading right here because it totally lacked journalistic credibility. You can't throw charges like this around without hard evidence and remain credible. Are we just supposed to take their word for it? I think not.

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Fansince62, u ask where is the pipeline? lets hope it is never built because if it is sometime in the future does that give the theories on the website any more relevence (right now afghanistan is a no mans land, no real govt control, it is a helluva lot better then it was. But, the fact remains it could not support a project of that magnitude at the present time, Let alone protect all the people working on the project.

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