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Joe Gibbs/ Al Saunders Please Take off the HANDCUFFS


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Look, the offense between the 20s CLEARLY was not the same one we saw against the jets. They went no-huddle there, mainly, i.e. THEY TOOK THE HANDCUFFS OFF.

So we've got to fix the redzone scoring. No doubt about it. They did score on 3 TD passes to WRs, so I guess they took the handcuffs off there, except on that one killer series.

So, maybe the coaches are coming around--it looked that way to me. But they are not there yet, and the road gets much harder next week.

But to all you "take the handcuffs off" folks, other than the one, disusting, horrible inside the 10 fiasco, was the offense ANY better to you?

PS If you can't move the pile 3 yards at home on the ground, something is wrong with your HEART, IMO. It's not crazy to try that at least SOME of the time down there. But we failed to assert our will. (Is it just me, or is Mike Sellers not hitting it lately?)

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Look, the offense between the 20s CLEARLY was not the same one we saw against the jets. They went no-huddle there, mainly, i.e. THEY TOOK THE HANDCUFFS OFF.

So we've got to fix the redzone scoring. No doubt about it. They did score on 3 TD passes to WRs, so I guess they took the handcuffs off there, except on that one killer series.

So, maybe the coaches are coming around--it looked that way to me. But they are not there yet, and the road gets much harder next week.

But to all you "take the handcuffs off" folks, other than the one, disusting, horrible inside the 10 fiasco, was the offense ANY better to you?

PS If you can't move the pile 3 yards at home on the ground, something is wrong with your HEART, IMO. It's not crazy to try that at least SOME of the time down there. But we failed to assert our will. (Is it just me, or is Mike Sellers not hitting it lately?)

I agree, the offense was not horrible today like some are making it sound. Portis ran like a champ and Campbell was making good throws. Had we got 7 on that one series I wouldnt be nearly as upset. The thing that has me so frustrated is the play calling in the redzone at the end, the 6 runs and one pass in the red zone. Campbell showed he could get it in there and the one pass to yoder was almost in. Why keep running it and why the hellcall that draw at the end? And I agree Sellers is kind of hit or miss lately.

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The more I watch this team, the more evident to me -- it's the coaching philosophy that is holding this team back. We are our own worst enemy. Our coaching tends to keep games close because we chose the wrong times to be aggressive. Last week we kick five field goals against the Jets. Again, a failure to get touchdowns and put the game away. Likewise today. You let teams hang around, and it can bite you in your arse. A common occurence during Gibbs II.

Greg Williams needs to heed the being more agressive temperment as well. I thought the 3rd and 21 where the Eagles got 20 and half yards on a completed pass in front of Springs just may have been the turning point in the game. The problem was that we gave up way too many yards in the air on the play.

I could not believe we did not at least bring some pressure (be it Landry in that situation -- and I said it to my friend before the play) to at least speed McNabb up so he does not have the time to complete a 21 yard pass -- a twelve yard pass, but not a 21 yard pass. That play was huge, because they ended up scoring on that possession -- and the score at the time was 12 - 7. We went prevent. It's also obvious how important Taylor is to the defense -- and his ability to limit the deep pass.

I have been saying for weeks, that Jason is a rhythm quarterback and seems to play the best when he runs, rolls, and we become more aggressive, and even go to the no huddle offense. I felt for the first time this was Al Saunders offense in between the 10 yard lines and Joes offense inside the 10. I think for the first time we started seeing the germination of Saunders offense and it's potential.

This team is not a power run team and Gibbs desire to try and make us one is being foolhardy and holding this team back. It's really not playing to our strenghs. (Memo to Sellers, you don't need to be leaving your feet on a third and one -- you lose your power bro). Look, I don't mind the running inside the five, I say run it out of the spread formation. We need to do a better job o disguising our plays inside the five. There's nothing wrong with finese inside the five.

Memo to coaching staf: Portis will be even more effective from the spread offense ( who, by the way, is really starting to get his game legs).

Memo to coaching staff II -- for whatever reason -- why does it always seem to take you guys a game or two to figure out what us fans see as quite obvious -- the jumbo package smash mouth way is not working and we are being bull headed to keep thinking we can make it work. This is not 82. And, this insistence has cost us two games already.

If there is any good I saw in the game today was that the coaches finally ventured outside the box and decided to let Jason free and what happened? He excelled. But, again, took it away from him at the five yard line. Until we completely put it in his hands, this team will not be operating at full strength. That's just a hunch.

Do you want to know something -- Dallas is really good because of Romo sits to pee -- period. He's the one that makes that team go. And, Romo sits to pee continues to get better and better as a result -- and they are gaining more and more confidence as a team. Romo sits to pee and Jason have been starting around the same amount of time. The difference is that Romo sits to pee is not handcuffed and Jason has been -- and it has impeded his progress.

Maybe for once, this offense will now be focused around Jason first, Clinton second -- and by doing so -- watch Clinton's number rise as well.

We have to seriously upgrade the defensive front this offseason. I don't think we had a decent pass rush since -- Petitbone left. Could that be because of the General Manager or lack thereof.

I still think we will make the playoffs and be team no one wants to play come January. The Germination is there. As usual, Gibbs is slowly coming around. Now GW needs to bring a bit more of the Ruckus as well.

Sit Sean against Dallas for the stretch run. We need him healthy.

Go Skins.

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Yea that was what did it for me. 6 out of 7 plays he runs the ball and gets barely anything. The ONE time they pass Yoder is like inches from a TD.

Yoder was only inches from the endzone due to his great effort. He carried 3 guys to the line. I do agree that the play calling and execution was terrible from inside the 5 yard line. The sad thing is we scored the other times on passes with the spread offense. We need to adjust that.

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I didn't have a problem with any of the playcalls in that series. It isn't like we ran the same play every time. All the runs were different plays. Even the 3rd down call wasn't a bad call, because defenses are going to be expecting a pass play, and it ran down clock to boot.

Course, the whole discussion would be moot if Cooley doesn't leave early. Then we'd be talking about how Gibbs and Saunders were geniuses. Course, when things don't go right, everything gets second-guessed to death.

There isn't much I second guess with the offensive calls in this game.


Sure, the plays were slightly different, but it was the personnel and packages that they were running out of that all of us are taking issue with. I'm sorry, but the crappy jumbo package with the extra eligible O-linemen or the 1 receiver set run 6 out of 7 times is pathetic. Sitting at home, I knew what the 'Skins were doing out of those formations, so I'm pretty sure that the Eagles coaches and players were on to us as well. After that series I texted my brother who was at the game and told him that series will cost us the game and I ended up being right.

I am still unclear as to how the 'Skins coaches call plays and if Gibbs takes over in the redzone or not; however, if Gibbs does take over in the redzone he really needs to take a long look in the mirror and realize he is unfit to call plays.

Gibbs is starting to remind me of a coach I despise, that coach being Brian Billick. Both guys are supposed bright offensive minds yet their offenses have never been very good at all. Both are carried by their defenses and would be embarassments without them.

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Well, you've got that right! I wonder myself if people actually watch the game. These clowns have a 9 yarder and then an 8 yarder. It makes absolutely NO sense to keep running the ball. How many times do you think that crap is going to work? Why not try a new invention: A FORWARD PASS! As usual, this Joe Gibbs coached team goes down without swinging. Just let the opponent bust you in the mouth and hope it doesn't bleed too much. But for heavens sakes, don't you dare swing back. They might get mad. Geeezzzzzzzz.......

How long do we have to watch the Snydermen to realize that although the defense is marginally better than last year, they still don't stop anybody when they have to, and ain't gonna. If I'm the head coach, I'm going to realize this (same stupid stuff since Norv was here), and let my offense go win the game. Not trust my stupid, give-up-all-the-big-plays defense to stop the opponent. Just score more points. They've got the weapons now to do so. But why do that, when having HD programming and watching analog will do?

Another absolutely, unnecessary loss! Gibbs, how soon can you get back to NASCAR?

Their problem wasn't that they didn't try the forward pass, it was that they ran the plays out of the jumbo package instead of spreading the D out with 3 wide. We had the 8 and 9 yard runs from the spread, plus we could have used the play action. In the jumbo we have no pass option....

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