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Joint Chiefs Chairman Looks Beyond Current Wars


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Clearly this is accurate. Since Bush has increased domestic spending and military spending at the same time, our military budgets actually are funded by Chineese purchasing government bonds. Our sole perspective military advisary is literally funding our "defense" effort. It's almost comical.

As in the UK, the question is asked where will the money come from. Well, currently the US is running a debt against China and Japan of about $1 trillion. The idea that the US economy will 'generate' this spending doesnt add up.

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You must have worked for the Klinton adminstration :doh:

Yeah back when we outspent only the next 18 greatest militaries in the world combined and had government surplusses in revenue..

That's part of the man's job, to not only prosecute the current wars, but to look ahead at what's possibly on the horizon

Granted, but the larger part of the man's job is to lead us through the current fiascos his predicessors have gotten us mired down in. The most important thing on his table should be to address the wars we're in now; and yet that wasn't the focus of his first speach from his new office.

Wanting new toys is always attractive. Fixing existing problems is work. I would like to see him do more work and be less attracted to the shiny new toys on the horizon.

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