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GM Search.. Tim Ruskell to be interviewed.

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He's the guy Spurrier thinks should be GM. Tampa probably won't let him make a lateral move. I wonder if we could make up a title and have him work under someone. Snyder isn't sold on the guy so I guess we'll know later today how the meeting went.

The times article also mentions Spurrier contacting a team about their Def Co, the team is still in the playoffs and Spurrier was denied. He didn't mention the name.

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Actually, the way I understand it, Ruskell is kind of a friend of a friend with Spurrier and he's not really in it fo the GM spot, but, rather, he's in line or a front-office job and a guy Spurrier knows and knows will be his voice in personnel matters. I believe it would be a big shock if he were to become GM.


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Think big, who is the one Def Co you would put at the top of your list?

OS, I think Dan is thinking Marvin Lewis also. Go get him.

I also read somewhere that Ron Nay is running the ship until we get the new GMs? It would be nice to bring in a couple of guru's, as long as not to many chefs have their hands in the pot.

[edited.gif by Skins_Freak on January 17, 2002.]

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I have serious questions as to whether Lewis can be successful here. He's got personnel in Baltimore that allow him to do some things we can't do here. We have personnel here that would allow him to do things he couldn't do there, but the question I have is whether he didn't do them there because he didn't want to or because he couldn't. I don't really know.

I'd rather have Jim Johnson, from Philly, here over Lewis, in terms of fit. But, I will again mention the name I want. Willie Shaw. Bring him to me NOW.


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thomas should have gotten the Redskins DC job when Norv was hired but Norvie went with his ole fishing buddy Ron Lynn instead. the result? well, we know Thomas did a good job in Philly, how did Lynn do here?

Oh, he presided over the worst defense in the NFL against the run, sorry I forgot. smile.gif

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Did anyone see the blurb in the Post where Richie Pettitbon might be interested in coming back?

I think his one season as head coach and subsequent firing sucked his passion for the game right out of him and broke his heart. I dunno, though.

Maybe I'm just sentimental, but if Richie's really got his fire back, I can't think of anyone better for the job. If you really want an autonomous defensive coordinator who's more or less a co-head coach, he's already played that role as well as it can be done.

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