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McNabb: Black QBs face greater scrutiny (Merged)


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so when someone makes a blanket statement about differences in treatment about black and white quarterbacks... he loses his job and labeled as racist...

BUT when McNabb makes a blanket statement about differences in treatment about black and white quarterbacks... (what happens now?)

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For what it is worth...McNabb is unfortunately RIGHT in many cases. Rush Limbaugh's comments prove it, so don't come around here saying he's just playing the 'race' card simply because he's having a hard time coming back from injury.

With that said, he should be able to notice that most QBs are scrutinized regardless of race...but its when its done unfairly, or in the light of discrimination, then you can't blame the guy.

I think most whites think they are being reversed discriminated against when blacks complain and make comments like this (whether fair or unfair)...and all I have to say to them is..."yeah, how does it feel...not too good does it?" I mean, if its not worth complaining about then why bother making any comments about it? But low and behold...here we are again...bashing a guy because he made a comment about race. Woe is we!

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so when someone makes a blanket statement about differences in treatment about black and white quarterbacks... he loses his job and labeled as racist...

BUT when McNabb makes a blanket statement about differences in treatment about black and white quarterbacks... (what happens now?)

Wow..you're a bright one! How about I put this in a more logical perspective:

When a guy makes a blanket statement about the way a certain 'race' does his job, he loses his job because he is a racist.

But when McNabb complains with a blanket statement about how his race is treated by media guys like Limbaugh, he gets blamed by more people who now consider him a reverse racist.

Your logic is completely biased and flawed and obviously racially biased. This is the exact garbage that McNabb was complaining about.

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I saw the interview... and McNabb sounded like a whiner... He was over-rated for years... McNabb is complaining because he feels he is criticized too much because he is black... This is hypocrisy in light of the broohaha raised by Rush Limbaugh's comments.

Overrated for years? Yeah..ok...dude, you have no football credibility.

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For what it is worth...McNabb is unfortunately RIGHT in many cases. Rush Limbaugh's comments prove it, so don't come around here saying he's just playing the 'race' card simply because he's having a hard time coming back from injury.

With that said, he should be able to notice that most QBs are scrutinized regardless of race...but its when its done unfairly, or in the light of discrimination, then you can't blame the guy.

I think most whites think they are being reversed discriminated against when blacks complain and make comments like this (whether fair or unfair)...and all I have to say to them is..."yeah, how does it feel...not too good does it?" I mean, if its not worth complaining about then why bother making any comments about it? But low and behold...here we are again...bashing a guy because he made a comment about race. Woe is we!

only problem i have with this is that Rush Limbaugh made IMHO basically same stupid comment. Now because Rush is White, he is got crushed by the media... Now McNabb is black so suddently what McNabb is just stating is "an inconvenient truth"... that BS in my book...

BTW I am not white so according to some people'e logic anything I say regarding race, I am unfortunately right.

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For what it is worth...McNabb is unfortunately RIGHT in many cases. Rush Limbaugh's comments prove it, so don't come around here saying he's just playing the 'race' card simply because he's having a hard time coming back from injury.

Rush Limbaugh's comments are for all intents and purposes exactly the same as McNabb's. Limbaugh says he got a pass because he was black. McNabb says he gets criticized more because he's black. They are both playing the exact same card but believe the outcome is on the opposite end of the spectrum.

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only problem i have with this is that Rush Limbaugh made IMHO basically same stupid comment. Now because Rush is White, he is got crushed by the media... Now McNabb is black so suddently what McNabb is just stating is "an inconvenient truth"... that BS in my book...

BTW I am not white so according to some people'e logic anything I say regarding race, I am unfortunately right.

:cheers: exactly, maybe Mccrybaby should live up to his elite status and stop whining about what people say. Only 1 thing will stop this scrutiny for Mccrybaby, winning a superbowl.

Which as I said before, maybe too much for him to handle at this day and age.

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Wow..you're a bright one! How about I put this in a more logical perspective:

When a guy makes a blanket statement about the way a certain 'race' does his job, he loses his job because he is a racist.

But when McNabb complains with a blanket statement about how his race is treated by media guys like Limbaugh, he gets blamed by more people who now consider him a reverse racist.

Your logic is completely biased and flawed and obviously racially biased. This is the exact garbage that McNabb was complaining about.

my main problem with this whole ordeal is that people who complained about Rush for making a stupid comment is probably not gonna be crying for McNabb's head...

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For what it is worth...McNabb is unfortunately RIGHT in many cases. Rush Limbaugh's comments prove it, so don't come around here saying he's just playing the 'race' card simply because he's having a hard time coming back from injury.

With that said, he should be able to notice that most QBs are scrutinized regardless of race...but its when its done unfairly, or in the light of discrimination, then you can't blame the guy.

I think most whites think they are being reversed discriminated against when blacks complain and make comments like this (whether fair or unfair)...and all I have to say to them is..."yeah, how does it feel...not too good does it?" I mean, if its not worth complaining about then why bother making any comments about it? But low and behold...here we are again...bashing a guy because he made a comment about race. Woe is we!

Couple points:

1) Rush Limbaugh said he was over-rated because of liberal media bias and their desire to see a successful black quarterback. Don't you see the hypocrisy of McNabb now? If he was offended by the insinuation that he gets cut a break by the media because he is black, why would he make the statement that he is more scrutinized because he is black? If anyone is getting criticized by the media, it's the Philadelphia fans for booing.

2) With this interview, he compared his career record to that of Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. He isn't in the same category as these players... This is a team sport... If Peyton Manning had the Eagles' defense of the last decade, wouldn't you expect to see more Super Bowls out of the Colts? While the Quarterback may be the most important position on the field, it's not the only position. Statistically, McNabb isn't even close to Manning, Brady, Palmer, Bulger... Bottom Line... If you want to be scrutinized like an elite quarterback, you better be able to back it up instead of whining about how people are mistreating you because of the color of your skin.

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Philly fans are booing not because he is black but because Eagles have lost 6 out of last 7 games that he was involved in...

:cheers: exactly, win games, superbowls(at least 1 if your an "elite qb") then watch the scrutiny fade away.

I could name many players white and black that have had the same scrutiny

Peyton Manning comes to mind until last season

John Elway

Michael Jordan

The reality is if you win games, championships, superbowls, etc. then the fans love you b/c you have lived up to your "elite status", if you don't, then in the fans and media's eyes you are underachieving.

Now thats why he is feeling all this pressure, he is UNDERACHIEVING, not in my eyes but in the fans and media's eyes.

End of story Thread Closed

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Philly fans are booing not because he is black but because Eagles have lost 6 out of last 7 games that he was involved in...


I guess TO is a racist then as well. Or the players (don't remember who) that said he was too much of a company man. McNabb is criticized because he hasn't played well in a while, he continually puts himself in the press with ill-advised comments and he plays in a town that criticizes everybody.

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What's an African-American? I have roots in Ireland, but I don't consider myself an Irish-American. I'm just an American. United States citizen.

It's funny you say that. Blacks are called "African-American." Latinos are called "Hispanic-Americans." Asians are called "Asian-Americans." Yet whites are never referred to as "European-American." Why is that?

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It's funny you say that. Blacks are called "African-American." Latinos are called "Hispanic-Americans." Asians are called "Asian-Americans." Yet whites are never referred to as "European-American." Why is that?

That's not entirely true. I have heard people referred to as Irish-Americans or Italian-Americans, etc. quite a bit. The biggest reason nobody refers to whites much other than white is that they don't fall under the PC umbrella. Nobody worries about offending whites. My wife used to be Oriental until one day she woke up and found out that that was an offensive term. Now she is Asian or Asian-American. Give it a few years and Asian-American, African-American or Latinos will have given way to a new TBD term and people of all races will be falling all over themselves to prove how forward-thinking they are condemning the now racist terminology, aghast at those who don't. I look forward to the day when the PC umbrella is gone and nobody even notices it's gone.

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Couple points:

1) Rush Limbaugh said he was over-rated because of liberal media bias and their desire to see a successful black quarterback. Don't you see the hypocrisy of McNabb now? If he was offended by the insinuation that he gets cut a break by the media because he is black, why would he make the statement that he is more scrutinized because he is black? If anyone is getting criticized by the media, it's the Philadelphia fans for booing.

No, he didn't say McNabb was overrated because of "liberal" media bias, he said Mcnabb was ovverated because the media wanted a black quarterback to succeed. Don't you get it? McNabb is saying that he is being criticized more because of comments made by people like Rush Limbaugh the republican racist. I have read stuff on this board(yes, Extremeskins) suggesting that Jason Campbell sounds dumb. You can read Philadelphia Eagles board if you want to as well. Some people there have suggested that McNabb is dumb. It has a lot to do with the fact that he's black. So someone, please explain to me how McNabb is a racist for suggesting that he's being criticized more because of his skin color. He has had to face vicious comments from people like Rush Limbaugh and all those republican racists who defended Rush Limbaugh. Hell, McNabb was even criticized by some guy from NAACP for being too much like a White quarterback--you know, relying too much on his throws rather than his athleticism. McNabb has been criticized by whites and blacks alike, but the extreme right(by which I mean people like Rush Limbaugh) has said some vicious stuff about him. McNabb has all the right to suggest that he is being treated differently because he's a black quarterback. If Jason Campbell, for example, suggested this, it wouldn't make sense. But McNabb has earned the right to defend himself because of people like Rush Limbaugh and all his supporters.

Overrated? Hardly. Prior to last year, I would say McNabb had a better record than Peyton Manning, because McNabb had taken his team to the superbowl, whereas Manning kept on choking.

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Overrated for years? Yeah..ok...dude, you have no football credibility.

Have you even looked at his stats? Before I smack you around with statistics, let's look at a few facts:

1) Same coaching staff for his entire career...

2) Same offensive system...

3) West Coast offense, which usually means a high passer rating and high completion percentage for even decent (not great) quarterbacks like Jeff Garcia.

4) His coach as thrown the ball a higher percentage of total offensive plays than any other coach in the league the last few years (I saw this in the game last night, but don't remember the details).

OK, stats:

1) He's never thrown for more than 4,000 yards in a season.

2) In his previous 8 seasons (I won't count this season), he has only thrown for more than 18 TDs on 3 occasions

3) In his previous 8 seasons, he has only thrown for more than 30 TDs on one occasion (TO season)

4) In his previous 8 seasons, he has run for only 24 TDs (only 3 per season)

5) Since he is also a running quarterback, let's account for his total TDs: He has accounted for 20+ TDs on 5 occasions, and 30+ TDs on only 1 occasion (TO)... Basically, he has averaged only 22 TDs over his 8 year career (Including rushing TDs)...

6) In West Coast Offense: Has only completed more than 60% of his passes once (Year with TO)...

7) In West Coast Offense: His career rating is 84.8 (and dropping)...

Let's talk other QBs:

Jeff Garcia: What makes Donovan McNabb that much better than Jeff Garcia?

1) In West Coast Offense in San Fran: In 5 years, threw for over 30 TDs twice... Accounted for more than 20 TDs (running and passing) on four of those 5 years (only his rookie season where he accounted for 13TDs in 10 starts)... Garcia's passing accuracy is 61% for his career... He has thrown for fewer than 60% only 3 times in 8 seasons (while being bounced around), and one of those times he threw for 59%... His career passer rating is 2 points higher than McNabb...

2) In West Coast Offense in Philly: In 6 starts, he threw 10 TDs...

3) While bouncing around the league, he has garnered a higher passer rating in the previous 8 seasons than McNabb.

4) Jeff Garcia has as many rushing TDs in 8 full seasons as McNabb

5) McNabb has 15 more TDs than Garcia, but McNabb has played in 4 more games and been in the same offense for 9 seasons.

What makes Donovan McNabb think he is in the same class as Peyton Manning? Peyton Manning has only played one more season than McNabb, but has 120+ more career TD passes than McNabb... Peyton Manning hasn't completed fewer than 62% of his passes since he was a rookie... Peyton Manning has a career passer rating that is 10 points higher than Donovan McNabb. McNabb has only 1 season where he passed for more yards than Peyton Manning's worst season. Peyton Manning also has 13 career rushing TDs (not bad for a pocket passer)... McNabb has lost 32 fumbles in 8 years to Peyton Mannings 16 lost fumbles in 9 years.

What makes Donovan McNabb (or anybody) think that he has ever been in the same class as Peyton Manning? What makes him think that it's color that separates the two? Should I mention Tom Brady? Carson Palmer? Brett Favre? Mark Bulger?

McNabb's numbers are closer to Jeff Garcia (and in some cases, worse)... I repeat, and have the stats to back this up: McNabb has been over-rated for years. BTW, after Garcia's start... do you think the Eagles feel they made a mistake?

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No, he didn't say McNabb was overrated because of "liberal" media bias, he said Mcnabb was ovverated because the media wanted a black quarterback to succeed. Don't you get it? McNabb is saying that he is being criticized more because of comments made by people like Rush Limbaugh the republican racist. I have read stuff on this board(yes, Extremeskins) suggesting that Jason Campbell sounds dumb. You can read Philadelphia Eagles board if you want to as well. Some people there have suggested that McNabb is dumb. It has a lot to do with the fact that he's black. So someone, please explain to me how McNabb is a racist for suggesting that he's being criticized more because of his skin color. He has had to face vicious comments from people like Rush Limbaugh and all those republican racists who defended Rush Limbaugh. Hell, McNabb was even criticized by some guy from NAACP for being too much like a White quarterback--you know, relying too much on his throws rather than his athleticism. McNabb has been criticized by whites and blacks alike, but the extreme right(by which I mean people like Rush Limbaugh) has said some vicious stuff about him. McNabb has all the right to suggest that he is being treated differently because he's a black quarterback. If Jason Campbell, for example, suggested this, it wouldn't make sense. But McNabb has earned the right to defend himself because of people like Rush Limbaugh and all his supporters.

Overrated? Hardly. Prior to last year, I would say McNabb had a better record than Peyton Manning, because McNabb had taken his team to the superbowl, whereas Manning kept on choking.

I think you are reaching to defend McNabb's stupid comments...

You are really trying hard to find an alternative meaning to McNabb's comments to defend him. Like Rush, McNabb does not have the "right" to suggest that other people are judging him and other quarterbacks based on color. The comments were not only about him but also other quarterbacks based on color.

Anyways who are the extremeskins members that called J. Campbell dumb? I know that some made fun of how he speaks cause of his "dialect" being from the south and all... i dont think any of us called McNabb or J. Campbell dumb cause they are black...

please becareful before you start accusing people on this board of such stupidity

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